Another busy week in FSP!

We have had another fantastic week in FSP. The children have been so busy and have started to develop their friendships. 

This term we are focusing on encouraging the children's Personal, Social and Emotional development while they settle into FS2. This includes: 

  • Self-confidence and self-awareness
  • Managing feelings and behavior
  • Making relationships

It has been wonderful to see how confidently the children have said goodbye at 8am to their caregivers and how quickly they become focused in their play. 

FSP have particularly enjoyed playing Uno, Marble Run and the deciding how they would like to play in the water tray this week. Miss Jum and I have been proud to see how they are working together, taking turns and speaking kindly to share ideas. 

Following the children's interests 

It has been lovely to observe the children find friends with similar interests and engage together in their play. As teachers, we always follow the children's interests and this week FSP have really enjoyed listening to the Gingerbread Man in our story times. 

Next week, we will start our cooking sessions and will be making our own gingerbread people. Your child will be involved in making them and will have the option to try them in our afternoon snack time. Please see the blog next week for photos of our first cooking lesson, I am sure the children will have lots of fun making and eating them! 

Perhaps you would like to watch the story at home over the weekend!


This week I sent an email with instructions how to log in to your child's Seesaw account. Please refer to the email and contact the IT helpdesk if you have any problems accessing it. I have already shared FSP's first visit to the Library and some photos of your child's first week at school. It would be lovely for you to share some photos on the Seesaw App too, so I can see what exciting things your child has done at home. 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. 

Miss Karly & Miss Jum 

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