A new classroom, and new friends!

A warm welcome to FSP!

What a great first week! It has been fantastic to have the buzz back in FS as the students returned to school on Wednesday.

It is wonderful to be able to welcome all parents into the classroom for soft start in the mornings and a brilliant way to get the children started with activities.

In FSP we have had so much fun exploring our inside and outside environments, meeting new friends and grown ups and getting to grips with some new routines.

I have been so impressed with how quickly the children have settled into their new classroom.

Our Learning Through Play

Please see photos of our wonderful learning this week:

Class notices 

Please ensure your child comes into school with a hat every day. 

Our PD day is on  a Thursday, the children will need to wear PD clothes and trainers to school. 

Our swimming day is a Friday. Our first swimming lesson will be on Friday 26th August. The children will need a swimming kit, including shoes (Crocs or flipflops) which will stay at school all week. Please see the Introduction to Learning Powerpoint I emailed you, for more information. 

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