FSP went to the Little Paws Gym!

FSP had a lovely morning visiting our Little Paws Gym. The children did a floor session from our Moving Smart Perceptual Motor Program and they really enjoyed this.  We always start with a floor session as this is where we teach the body first. The children do a series of exercises with their body and then next week, they will do these exercises with the equipment. Teaching the body first allows our children to build muscle memory in their brains which is important for performing tasks correctly. 

The five different exercises consisted of the following;

1. A sensory challenge in which the children had to throw a feather in the air and catch it in a cup. This activity is really great for developing eye fitness and the children loved it!

2. Next, the children practiced balancing heel to toe across a line. This is an activity they must do slowly as it really aims to improve the children's balancing skills. For an extra challenge, the children are encouraged to look forwards and not down at their feet whilst balancing. 

Activity 3 is where the children had to perform a monkey walk. Children are encouraged to walk using opposite arm, opposite leg movements. This helps our children to cross their midline whilst performing this complex movement.

For activity number 4 the children had to make a moon jump. This is where they are encouraged to stick their feet together and to jump up and down. This exercises helps our children to build flexibility and stamina! 

Lastly, the children had to perform a bunny hop which can be quite a complex movement. There are two important steps that the children need to remember. The children have to place their hands on the mat and then jump with their feet. Children are encouraged to say 'feet and hands' as they move these parts of their body. 

After we completed our floor session, the children had time to choose their learning. Lots of the children enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, exploring the bars and rings, riding bikes, climbing and jumping off blocks. 

Please take a look at more photos below. 

I hope everyone has a lovey day. 

Ms Gemma 

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