A great start to a new term!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Half Term holiday. FSP have had a very busy week...

We welcomed caterpillars to FSP! 

This week we had a very special delivery- some very small and very hungry caterpillars! The children have enjoyed observing them, feeding them fresh leaves and helping to keep their home clean. We already have a couple of Caterpillars who have started to make chrysalis. I wonder if they will all make a chrysalis over the weekend? I wonder what they will look like on Monday when you come back to school? 

We have really enjoyed reading the Hungry Caterpillar story in class this week too. 

We had lots of fun with our friends!

FSP have enjoyed seeing their friends and sharing their holiday news with them. Thank you for sharing photos on Seesaw and returning your child's 'All about me' book, we have enjoyed looking at these together. Have a look at the fun we have had with our friends this week! 

A polite reminder 

Please ensure your child comes to school with a full set of extra uniform including a change of underwear. FSP love to play outside in the water and get busy with messy play! 

Have a wonderful weekend and I will look forward to seeing you again on Monday FSP!

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