Let's celebrate!

We have had lots to celebrate in FSP this week! 

Loy Krathong

The children looked fantastic in their Traditional Thai clothes. They had lots of fun making Krathongs, playing Mon Son Pa and riding banana leaf horses around the garden. We carefully floated our Krathong's in the reflection pool and the pond by the Sala to end a very busy day at school.  Please share any photos of Loy Krathong celebrations at home on Seesaw so we can continue discussions at school. 

International Day spotlights 

This week we started to learn about different countries in preparation for International Day on Tuesday 15th November. FSP learnt all about Le Befana, a witch who delivers presents to Italian children in January each year. The children made patchwork witches and coloured in the pictures. They also did some dot painting when learning about Australia, played games when learning about Taiwan and made Origami when learning about Japan. 


This week some of our caterpillars finally became butterflies. FSP were so excited to see the butterflies flying around in the box so we took them outside to set them free! The butterflies happily flew around the FS garden before they went off on their adventures. 

We have enjoyed reaading this story in FSP this week. Can FSP explain why the butterfly found it a challenge to find the monkey's mum?


FSP have amazed me with their Phonics learning and they already have learnt the sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n, m and d. They can sing the songs, make the actions, say the sounds and are starting to recognise them when they are written down too. 

They are starting to say the sounds and blend them together to read short words such as sad, pin and sit. 

Here are the phonics songs and sounds FSP have learnt so far, can they show you the songs and actions at home?  

International Day

On Tuesday 15th November it is International Day and children are invited to wear their country colours or national dress. You will have received an email giving more information about the day. I look forward to celebrating International Day with FSP on Tuesday! 

Guided Reading books 

Please send the Guided Reading folder and book back to school every Monday. I will read with your child on a Monday or Tuesday. Please read the book with your child at least once during the week and write a comment in the reading diary  so I know they are ready for a new book. 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. 

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