Year 6 Newsletter 19th September

Living our values

Safe and kind

Peace Day

Note from the Principal

19 Sept 2024

A note from the Principal

This week, we have enjoyed 2 special Primary school celebrations: International Day of Peace and the Wai Kru Ceremony. Through these events we have been talking with the children about the importance of being kind by showing compassion and respect. This links directly to our Global Citzenship value.

In MFL, the students have been demonstrating that understanding in multiple languages! Bien hecho!

Have a super long weekend ahead!

Sarah McCormack

Key Dates

School Closed20th September

Y4-6 residential presentations
24th SeptemberPrimary Hall & Y6Staff & Parents2:45-4:00pm
Parent Teacher Meetings30th September- 3rd October
Year 6 
Pupil Attitude to School Survey
30th September Year 6Students
Parent workshop- Safeguarding Training for Parent volunteers
1st OctoberCON 420
Tiger Spirit Day2nd OctoberBPSStudents
Year 5/6 Swim Gala7th October
Parents, staff and students10:10:12:00
International Day11th October


Residential dates for November 2024 Visits

Class splits for residential are now confirmed.

Letters about the Residential programme will be sent home next week:

Save The Date – Swimming Gala – Year 6

The PE Department is excited to announce the first interclass sports event of the year!

The Year 6 Swimming Gala will be held on Monday, 7th October, from 10:05 am to 12:10 pm. Further details will be shared in the coming weeks. The event will take place at the 50m pool, and we warmly encourage parents to come and support their children.

As a reminder, if your child is unable to participate in a swimming lesson due to illness or other reasons, please contact the PE teacher directly, rather than the class teacher or Leaders of Learning.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the PE Department

Positive Behaviours

Parents may have seen these new posters around the Primary school. We recently shared the attitudes and behaviours that we want to help every student to learn and develop as they move through our school.

These attitudes and behaviours are grouped under our three key values; Safe, Curious and Kind.

We want these positive words, thoughts and actions to support and strengthen your child’s holistic development as they move through Primary and into young adulthood. Please help us champion these three key values by referencing our matrix of positive behaviours and attitudes in conversations with your child. The matrix is also available in Thai.

Student Wellbeing Survey (PASS)

As part of our student welfare provision, our Y4-6 students will take part in a survey about their attitudes to school and learning.

You will also receive a letter giving more information about the PASS survey (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School) and how it helps us to support student learning and wellbeing.

Despite the acronym PASS, this is not a test! No preparation is required, and we want our students to enjoy the process.

Physical development and PE kit

A number of our students will enter puberty whilst in Primary school.

Every child will pass through puberty at a different time, and at a different rate.

Some children may feel more comfortable wearing a lightweight sports bra or crop top under their PE kit.

Tiger Spirit Day - 2nd October


Research Study

18th September 2024

Dear Parents,

As part of ongoing professional development, teachers often participate in personal research projects to help measure the impact of initiatives in the school. It is with great excitement that I ask for your consent to use your child’s learning at Patana in an attempt to enhance the quality of education for all children.

As part of my master's research with the University of East London, I am conducting an analysis of current writing attainment data from our recent Comparative Judgement assessments. The purpose of my study is to find out in which ways this assessment method can accelerate student learning and so will be hugely beneficial for our community.

To maintain ethical standards, I am required to seek permission from you and your child to include their attainment data in my research. This data is anonymous and none of your child’s personal information will be shared. If one or either of you decide you do not wish to participate, their information will be removed from the study without any judgement.

1. How to Participate

If you and your child wish to participate in this study, please complete this short Google Form so I know whose information I can use within my research. Any parents or children who have not completed the Form by Sunday 29th September 2024 will be considered as non-consensual and will not be included in the study. If either of you change your mind later, please inform me by emailing Mr. Todd Thornback at and I will ensure that your child’s data is excluded from the study.

2. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about the study or wish to opt out later, please contact Mr. Todd Thornback at . If you have questions about your rights on Personal Data Protection as a participant, you may contact Bangkok Patana School’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) at

Thank you for your consideration as part of this research.

Best regards,

Mr. Todd Thornback

Y6 Leader of Curriculum and Assessment

Parent workshops

If you were unable to attend the maths workshop on Tuesday 17th September,  please click on the link  ‘How to help your children with Maths’ 

Please note this video has to be opened with MS Edge due to data privacy issues.

Click this link to find further information about our other upcoming parent workshops.

FOBISIA - Story writing 

ICT in Year 6

Find out more about our Primary Technology Curriculum by following this link.

Reading Recommendations Year 6

Does your child need inspiration for choosing their next great read? Have a look at this Padlet with some amazing recommendations. All these books are in our Primary School Library, and even some in the Secondary School Library (you will need the help of your parents to check these out).

Year 6 Book Recommendations

A note from the library

Dear parents,

For over 40 years, Bayard and Milan have been committed to providing their young readers with innovative and constructive magazines that cater to all ages and passions.

These magazines offer your children the opportunity to learn to read in both French and English, to read with pleasure, and to explore the world through a range of magazines tailored to their age and interests.

We are pleased to inform you that you have the opportunity to subscribe to Bayard and Milan Jeunesse magazines at the best rates, thanks to your school.

These magazines, delivered monthly to the school, support learning the French language with sections full of curiosity, discovery, knowledge, and humor.

By subscribing, you also support the school, which will receive one free subscription for every 10 subscriptions purchased by parents.

Public Rate card 2024-2025 attached

New for the 2024 school year:

  • For 100% Spanish reading, we now offer Popi Spanish, Caracola (Les Belles Histoires), Leo Leo (J’aime Lire), and Reportero Doc (Image Doc) – Discover the offer on Page 22 of the catalog.

For more information, please contact :

Mrs. Laetitia Gerhardt


Please click the link below to find out more about this term's learning in Year 6

Click on the link to visit the Year 6 blogs.

This is where you will find an overview of your child's learning along with their home learning tasks and any important messages from your child's class teacher.

Please check your child's class blog weekly to stay informed about their learning.

Please encourage your child to complete their home learning.

Global Citizenship

International Day


Events Around the World

You can keep up to date with current events around the world by watching Newsround, an age appropriate news show. Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class, and it is an ideal opportunity for you to model discussing your opinions and using experiences to draw connections between events and people.


Happy Birthday to all of the students are celebrating birthdays next week:

6M - Neave & Mia   6B Emilia  

Birthday Treats

We are a NUT FREE school.  Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

  • Brownies, cupcakes and individual cake slices are easier for your child to give out.
  • Please no fast food and reduce plastic packaging as much as possible - please no bubble teas, fizzy drinks or caffeine drinks.
  • We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 6 PTG Rep -  Soreda Ratchadaporn Parinyanusorn:

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Year Group Leader (Pastoral): Ms Sarah Dibley

Year Group Leader (Curriculum): Mr Todd Thornback

Assistant Year Group Leader: Mr Duncan Ferguson

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