Term 1a - Heart Beat (24/25)

Learning Theme: Heart Beat
The Driving Question:

How can we educate others to make positive lifestyle choices to maintain a healthy body?
Need to know questions:

How does our heart keep us alive?

What can we do to help maintain our health?

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Heart Beat across the curriculum

As Scientists we will:
As Artists we will:As Thai Language and Culture learners we will:

This term, students will be learning all about the circulatory system and the role it plays in keeping humans alive.

Through our Reading lessons, students will learn about the knowledge and facts surrounding the heart, blood and lungs.

We will also start to explore some atomic theory through the process of respiration.

 • make observations and record these using scientific diagrams

 • plan and carry out a fair test identifying the key variables

 • provide explanations for differences in observations and measurements

 • decide when observations and measurements need to be repeated and explain why we do this

 • draw and make conclusions using scientific knowledge and vocabulary

 • take measurements using a range of scientific equipment with accuracy and precision

 • record data and results using scientific diagrams and graphs

In combination with our learning about the circulatory system, students will be carrying out several art projects in class.

 The children will create a canvas image of an organ of the body to be displayed in an EXPO at the end of term.

• learn to use more action words, adjectives and adverbs in simple conversation

 • engage in simple dialogues using different types of questions

 • respond to questions about holidays and some cultural practices

As ICT learners we will:As Musicians we will:
This term, students will use a piece of software called ProCreate to create some graffiti art.

 • revisit and explore complexities of the three of the units; pitch, composition and beat/rhythm

 •  ukulele playing

As PE learners we will:

• play basketball with improving personal skills and a sound knowledge of the rules

 • develop a growing understanding of strategies that can be used in defence and attack through basketball

 • demonstrate and understand the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship

 • continue to develop and improve stroke technique and stamina in swimming

As Modern Foreign Language learners we will:

 • develop intercultural awareness on Thai and our own cultural practice 

 • learn, practise and share some Thai cultural activities (Pitee Wai Khru)

 • develop basic vocabulary relevant to the units learnt (All about me)

 • develop sentence structures for simple dialogue

 • listen and develop our oral language skills

Personal, Social, and Health Education
As active citizens we will: 
As confident and healthy 
we will:
As global citizens we will:
 • explore relationships and how what we do affects others

 • reflect on decisions that we make and how these can impact on our lives • be respectful contributors to digital and local communities

 • explore what it means to be committed to integrity


Short term planning is based on ongoing teacher assessments, individual student’s needs, school targets and differentiation. Flexibility is needed within this structure to ensure the teaching and learning can be adjusted to cater for the needs of the cohort as well as specific target areas.


Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman
This powerful novel will be used to connect with our science learning alongside exploring themes of choice, ethics, family and what it means to be a teenager.

The novel will enable the children to embark on dramatic performances, debating and other verbal learning activities.

Within their writing, we will be learning to apply the following skills throughout the year:



Within our reading lessons, we will be focusing on fluency, comprehension and book discussion to guide our learners to be independent readers. A large part of our structure comes from Literature Circles, where a children read the same text alongside their peers. For T1a this text will be Pig Heart Boy. In subsequent terms the children will select their own texts. 

If you have any questions regarding the Year 6 curriculum please contact:

  • Todd Thornback- Year 6 Leader of Learning and Curriculum (toth@patana.ac.th)
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal (mavd@patana.ac.th)