Term 3 - Interculturalism (24-25)

Learning Theme: Interculturalism
Driving Question:

How can cultural differences make our community stronger?

Characteristics of Effective Learning

The Big Idea
This terms' overarching theme is Interculturalism. Year 6 learners will have the opportunity to explore, investigate and think deeply about the different cultures within their community and what impact it has on their own lives. Our learning will be aimed towards answering our Driving Question: How do different cultures make our community stronger?

Initially, the learners will be asked to reflect on an item or artefact that is important to their identity. They will have the opportunity to 'Show and Tell' with this item in the Year group. 

Through some learner-led 'Need to Know' questions we will improve our knowledge, skills and understanding of our multicultural community and begin to reflect on the impact of a diverse society on our own lives. 

This, in combination with cross-cultural texts in Literacy and an exploration or art from different cultures, will culminate in our 'Call to Action'.

By the end of the term the learners will combine their cross curricular learning in order to produce a pop-up book to demonstrate strong intercultural communities for younger children to read. This will be an engaging, exciting and character building task which will enable the children to demonstrate the Patana values and show progress in their learning. 

As Scientists we will:As Artists we will:As Geographers we will:

 • revisit the scientific investigation skills we have developed throughout Primary 

 • understand the difference between a hypothesis and prediction

 • make predictions based on scientific knowledge and understanding

 • carry out a range of scientific investigations with support and independently

 • identify the different variables. including the dependent, independent and control

• take measurements using a range of scientific equipment

 • explore artwork and artists from our own and other cultures

• Use different techniques, colours and textures when designing and making pieces of work

• through developing these skills, we intend to create mixed-media self-portraits that help to represent ourselves and appreciate our diverse interculturalism.  

• Generate and clarify ideas for products, considering intended purpose

• Plan what they have to do, suggesting a sequence of actions and alternatives if needed

• Choose how to communicate design ideas as they develop, considering use and purpose

• Select from a wide range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks accurately

 • explore where each of us comes from using atlases, globes, maps and digital mapping at a range of scales

 • ask questions to encourage us to explore, describe and explain similarities and differences between geographical locations

 •draw plans and maps at a variety of scales

•use and select appropriate ICT to help in geographical investigations 

• use symbols and keys when sketching maps, plans and graphs

As Historians we will:As Design and Technology learners we will:As Musicians we will:

 • recognise the social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity of our community

 • recognise that the past is represented and interpreted in different ways and give reasons for this

 • recognise and understand the broad chronology of major events, and some key events in the wider world, from ancient civilisations to the present day, and order these in chronological order

- Drawing Develop ideas using different or mixed media

-Analyse and comment on ideas and methods

- Draw on and use various sources of information, including ICT sources

 - Plan what they have to do, suggesting a sequence of actions and

alternatives if needed

 - Evaluate their products, identifying strengths and areas for development,

and make appropriate changes.

- Generate and clarify ideas for products, considering intended purpose

 • revisit and explore complexities of the three of the units; pitch, composition and beat/rhythm

 •  ukulele playing

As PE learners we will:As Thai and Language Culture learners we will: 
As ICT learners we will: 

 • play basketball with improving personal skills and a sound knowledge of the rules

 • develop a growing understanding of strategies that can be used in defence and attack through basketball

 • demonstrate and understand the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship

 • continue to develop and improve stroke technique and stamina in swimming

 • develop intercultural awareness on Thai and our own cultural practice 

 • learn, practise and share some Thai cultural activities (Pitee Wai Khru)

 • develop basic vocabulary relevant to the units learnt (All about me)

 • develop sentence structures for simple dialogue

 • listen and develop our oral language skills

 • Learn to make efficient use of  our own device

• Find,follow and share online tutorials

 •  Create and share my tips digitally with my online community

Personal, Social, and Health Education
As active citizens we will explore: 

As confident and healthy learners we will: 

As global citizens we will: 
 • ways in which we can improve our well-being both at school and at home

 • understand what balanced and fulfilled means and explore how we can better achieve this
 • explore how we can collaborate meaningfully with each other
 • explore what it means to be empowered by our interculturalism

 • explore what culture means and explore the diverse range of cultures we have within our year group

 • appreciate our diversity

 • celebrate the interculturalism present within our school


This term will feature on of the highlights of the year, and the culmination of lots of drama learning: The Year 6 Production! After the success of last year, we will have to see what this year group can achieve!


Short term planning is based on ongoing teacher assessments, individual student’s needs, school targets and differentiation. Flexibility is needed within this structure to ensure the teaching and learning can be adjusted to cater for the needs of each tier and individual class, as well as specific target areas.

Literacy Overview

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