Term 1b - Our Planet (24/25)

Learning Theme: Our Planet
The Driving Question:

What changes have made a significant difference to our planet?

Key questions: 

How does the way we live today impact on the planet?

How can we manage the planet's resources sensibly?

How can we promote sustainability?

Who are good role models for making our planet a better place?

Characteristics of Effective Learning

As part of our themed learning we will be gathering knowledge about people, groups and institutions that have made a significant change to our world. The children will pose their own 'need to know' questions to help them enquire and acquire knowledge they really want to know. This, alongside the learning in science and literacy will culminate in an Oscars style ceremony to celebrate the children's written biographical account of the special people they have learnt about. 

Back to Nature across the curriculum

As Scientists we will:As Artists we will:
As Geographers and Historians we will:
This term, students will focus on the theme 'Microorganisms'. Their learning will focus on skills whilst also learning about bacteria, viruses and fungi. A lot of the knowledge will be explored in greater depth through Reading lessons.

• select and plan a scientific inquiry

 • make predictions

 • collect and record samples from the outdoor classroom, making observations

 • take measurements using a range of scientific equipment

 • select information from a range of sources

 • report and present my findings from investigations

 • use test results to make predictions and set up further comparative fair tests
This term, students will focus on sculpture as a form of medium in Art. They will be designing and creating their own decorative plant pot in line with our 'Our Planet' theme.

 • manipulate and experiment with elements of line, tone, pattern and texture when drawing

 • identify and investigate artists who have worked in a similar way, focusing specifically on sculpture

 • develop sculpting techniques using slabs, coils and slips

 • analyse and comment on different methods

 • create sculpture with increasing independence

Investigate the impacts of interventions by individuals and groups on the environment.

Recall, select, organise and communicate historical information in a variety of ways

Celebrate those whol have made positive contributions to our planet. 

As Design & Technology learners we will:As Musicians we will:As Thai and Language Culture learners we will:
This term, students will continue to develop their understanding of sculpture to collaborate together to create large 3D structures out of a living material that can be used within our school grounds.

 • explore alternative ways of making a large 3D sculpture

 • generate and clarify ideas for designs

 • plan what they have to do, suggesting a sequence of actions

 • select from a wide range of tools and equipment

 • evaluate as they create their sculpture, identifying its strengths and areas for development, making appropriate changes

 • develop our ensemble skills, aiming to maintain our own part whilst being aware of all the other parts that are happening
  • learn, practise and share some Thai cultural activities (Loi Krathong)

 • develop basic vocabulary relevant to the units learn (Fruits and Shopping)

 • develop sentence structure for simple dialogue

 • listen and develop oral language skills
As PE learners we will:As ICT learners we will:As World Language learners we will:
 • play basketball with improved personal skills and a sound knowledge of the rules

 • develop a growing understanding of strategies that can be used in defence and attack through basketball

 • demonstrate and understand the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship

 • continue to develop and improve stroke technique and stamina in swimming

- Use dignital software to create a movie. 

- Tell a story related to a class text about the power of nature. 

 • learn how to understand basic information and frequently used classroom instructions in the language

 • talk about the weather accurately (FR, GE, SP)

 • reflect on what we have learnt and organise the vocabulary into categories

 • talk about the clothes we wear in special weather conditions using correct grammar and gender (FR, GE, SP)

 • describe ourselves (FR/SP) or my daily activities (JA/MA)

 • say where we go on holidays, how far it is and by what means of transport we travel (GE/JA)

 • use Kanji characters to write the days of the week (MA)

 • say what language people speak and tell the time (MA)
Personal, Social and Health Education
As active citizens we will:As confident and healthy learners we will:As global citizens we will:
 • explore ways in which we can manage our environment sustainably 

 • think about how we can be responsible and honest in all that we do
 • be inquisitive and creative

 • passionate, resourceful and resilient
 • explore what it means to be ethical and informed

 • inspired to improve global sustainability


Short term planning is based on ongoing teacher assessments, individual student’s needs, school targets and differentiation. Flexibility is needed within this structure to ensure the teaching and learning can be adjusted to cater for the needs of the cohort as well as specific target areas.




If you have any questions regarding the Year 6 curriculum please contact:

  • Todd Thornback- Year 6 Leader of Learning and Curriculum  (toth@patana.ac.th)  
  • Mark Verde -Vice Primary Principal (mavd@patana.ac.th)