Tuesday 31st March

Morning Register

Please click on the image below to register yourself:

Digital Citizenship

Our CSL Code of Conduct: [I will not] Join in with any mean behaviour or online bullying

Your thinking task this morning is to read through the conversation below and then respond in our FlipGrid.

Read through the conversation here

Thinking questions:

How would you feel if it was you receiving these messages?
What advice would you give the person sending these messages? 

FlipGrid link here:

Lesson 1: Maths (8-8:40am)

Click here to learn how to submit your learning via Google Classroom.

Your Maths learning has been shared with you via a Firefly task. Check your email to access this.

Direct any questions to your Maths teacher.

How will you share your learning?

You can find this information in your task. Read it carefully to see how your teacher would like you to share your learning.

When you have finished, click 'MARK AS DONE'.

Brain Break

Here are your brain breaks for today. When you see the brain break sign, click and pick 1 to 3 activities.

Click here to see today's brain breaks

Have a drink and a snack before starting again.

Lesson 2: Music (9-9:40am)

Please visit your Google Classroom group for Music. 

If you have not yet joined the class you will need to do that first. The class codes are below:

If you have any difficulties joining the classroom, please email Mr Charlie (chmc@patana.ac.th) or Ms Narui (ayna@patana.ac.th ) to help.

Class codes for Music Google Classroom

















Brain Break

 Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.

Have a drink and a snack before starting again.

Lesson 3: Literacy (10-10:40am)

Before you start your Literacy, please go and read and respond to feedback from your previous Literacy learning.

Visual instructions

Literacy written instructions

Can I research ideas for a persuasive speech?

Learning Task: Over the next 2 sessions you are going to be planning and recording a persuasive speech. Today, you will choose your topic and research ideas.

Resources: Laptop, planning template, child friendly search engines 

How will I share my learning? Create a Google Docs and share with your teacher.

Time frame: 1 lessons (40 minutes)


1. Choose one idea from the following list:

  • Cats make better pets than dogs or dogs make better pets than cats
  • Year Six students should be given home learning everyday or Home learning should be banned.
  • Schools should stop all break and lunch times and finish at 12 o’clock or schools should make break times longer and finish the day at 4pm
  • Alternatively, choose your own topic to persuade someone about.
  • If you are having difficulty choosing a topic, you can use the example below and add more research.

2. Generate your arguments and research questions. (see example)

3. Research your questions using the child friendly search engines

Top tips and guidance:

Use the success criteria below to make some notes to develop your research. 

Success Criteria:

Challenge and extend: If you would like to challenge yourself with your planning, please see this written example to see how much detail you can add to your plan.

Brain Break

Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.

Have a drink before starting again.

Lesson 4: Reading (11-11:40am)

Click here to see today's Reading Learning

Can I make predictions about a book character?

Learning Task: 

You will choose a character from a book and think about what he/she would be like at 3 different stages in their lives.

Resources: Paper, pencil and colouring pencils

How will you share your learning: 

Take a photo of your drawings and share it with your teacher.

Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)


  • Select a character from a book that you are reading or have read
  • Draw pictures of them as a baby, an adult and as an old person
  • Underneath each picture, write what you think they might be doing at that point of their life
  • Explain why they may be doing so

For example, if you drew Harry Potter as a baby, he might be casting spells on his mum to feed him lots of yummy food.

Think about how you will divide your paper to show your character at the 3 different stages in their life.

An example of how you could split your page up:


Lesson 5: Art (1-1:40pm)

Task explanation

Link here to the Google Slides presentation needed for your Haida Art.

Link here to the Art extension activities.

Keep in touch with what is happening in the world:


Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.

Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.