Morning Register (7:40-8am)
Please click on the image below to register yourself:
Stop! Get yourself ready for today.
- Check your email - do you have any feedback?
- Laptop
- Headphones
- Maths book or paper
- Pencil
- A book to read
Lesson 1: Literacy (8-8:40am)
Meet in your Literacy groups at 8:00am
Can I present my learning?
Learning Task: Today, you will finish your collective learning on the heart. If you have finished, you can prepare for the sharing of your learning for next week. This will either be on Monday or Tuesday - your teacher will let you know which day. You can do your presentation live to your class, prepare a screencast or share your slides etc.
Resources: MS Teams chat, your group’s shared Google Slides, your final presentation (slides, padlet, flipgrid etc.), presentation skills success criteria. If you haven’t written a conclusion but would like to add one into your presentation, there are some good examples here.
How will you share your learning: In slides or in the form in which you have chosen to do your presentation.
Time Frame: 40 mins.
- Log onto MS Teams and enter your group chat.
- Open your group slides and your presentation.
- Respond to teacher feedback.
- Open the presentation skills success criteria here.
- If you haven’t already done so, decide in your group how you will present your learning - will it be in person OR will you prepare a screencast in advance?
- Decide who will present each section.
- Practise your presentation.
Brain Break
Here are your brain break suggestions for today:
Lesson 2: Maths (9-9:40am)
Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams.
Enter your class's Maths section at 8:55am.
Please wait for your teacher to start the lesson.Please DO NOT start the lesson yourself.
Join the lesson at 9:00am.
Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones, your Google Drive Literacy Book.
Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 3: PE (10-10:40am)
Click on the link to watch the instructions:
Can I break down my skill into smaller parts?
Time frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
Resources: Your skills equipment, video recorder and lots of patience!
Bucket Quest This challenge will certainly test your skill and patience. Which level can you get to?
Learning Task:
Skills Challenge - Levels
Last week you showed us a skill that you have learnt (you can change this skill if you like). This week we would like you to break your skill down into 3 levels or parts (just like today's warm-up);
- Level 1 - Easy
- Level 2 - Medium
- Level 3 - Hard
Instructions and examples - Video 1
How will I share my learning? Upload a video of yourself performing the challenge to Padlet. Add your name and skills challenge levels.
Remember to look back at your video for your feedback.
Additional activities:
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 4: MFL (11-11:40pm)
Please look for your language below to see the planned activity.
German, Japanese & Mandarin: Visit the Google Classroom group for your MFL language. If you are unsure, please contact your MFL teacher.
Spanish for 6C 6D, 6F and 6G:
Go to Primary World Languages 19-20 on MS Teams.
Enter your class' section (06 SET B Spanish MABI).
Join the lesson at 11:00am. Please DO NOT start the lesson yourself.
This causes problems for other students.
You can join from your calendar or by clicking on JOIN.
Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones
Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
Spanish for 6E, 6H, 6J and 6P: Please read the task below.
1) Watch this video here
2) Visit our Google Classroom, click 'Classwork' and select 'Continuing Student Learning.
Note: Ms. Mariela won’t be able to answer questions during this time as she is having a live session with the other set. You can post questions on Google Classroom and ask your classmates for help.
French: Visit the Google Classroom group and follow the instructions.
Thai for native Thai speakers : Please read the task below.
Kru Sasi's group
Please go to our Google Classroom group:
6P, 6H, 6J, 6E
6G, 6F, 6D, 6C
Kru Ne’s Group
Go to Firefly and follow instructions.
Khru Mou's Group
Go to Google Classroom,
click on Classwork and select Task for Friday 15th May.
Or go to Firefly and follow instructions.
Thai for non-native Thai speakers: Please read the task below.
Go to Google Classroom, click on Classwork and select Task for Friday 15th May.
Or go to Firefly and follow instructions.
EAL with Mr Steve: Click on the LINK and go to the CSL EAL blog.
Lesson 5: Independent Reading (1-1:20pm) & Class Story Live (1:20-1:40pm)
Independent Reading (1-1:20pm)
Go and find a quiet spot to curl up and read a book.
Class Story Live (1:20-1:40pm)
Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams
Enter your class' section.
Join the Story live lesson at 1:20pm
Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones
Time Frame: 20 minutes
Next week in Science, you will be attempting to make a pair of lungs. There will be 2 challenge levels for you to choose from:
1) Using anything you can find in your house
2) For this challenge you will need:
- 3 balloons
- an empty water bottle cut in half (length ways)
- 3 straws
- tape
We are letting you know in advance in case you want to get hold of the materials for Challenge 2.
End of the day EXIT TICKET
Before leaving, you must click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.
Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.