Year 5 Newsletter 04.09.2020

We are:  diverse and inclusive


Block 1 ECAs start7th SeptemberPatanaWhole School
Year 5 Inter Colour Basketball28th SeptemberPatanaStudents
Tiger Spirit Day9th OctoberPatanaPrimary students

Well Being


Please make sure that your child knows which ECAs they are doing and who is collecting them afterwards. 

Musician of the Month

Every month Primary Music features a Musician of the Month during lessons. We include a diverse range of performers, arrangers and composers.

This month we are celebrating the music of Celia Cruz.

Celia was born in Cuba in 1925 and moved to the US during the Cuban revolution. She became associated with ‘Salsa’ a Cuban dance music that became popular in the 1960s with her rhythmic singing and rich voice.

This week we are featuring Guantanamero - perhaps Cuba’s most famous song:

Getting involved in a club - Netball

Connecting with other students and being part of a team is so important for our well-being. You may never have considered Netball as a sport, but it fast and fun. Check out the poster below for more information.

Global Citizenship

Being a member of the Student Council

In our assembly this week, we introduced the application process for standing for our Student Council elections which will be held in classes across Year 5 next week. 

There is an application form that hopeful candidates need to complete and submit by Tuesday 8th September to their class teacher.  This is available on the class blogs. Alternatively, your class can get one of these from their class teacher. 

Candidates will deliver a short speech outlining why they want to be a student representative. No pressure, but it is good if they don't rely on reading this from a piece of paper. 

Some tips for preparing your speech:

  • Learn your speech
  • Use facial expressions and hand gestures - practise recording yourself or watch yourself in the mirror
  • Engage the audience by using rhetorical questions
  • Have a clear vision of what you can bring to the role

Events in the World

If you would like your child to be aware of world news and events but find it too overwhelming, have a look at Newsround for a more age appropriate version of current events.


Home Learning and Class Blogs

Remember that your child's home learning has been shared via their class blog.

Here is the link directly to the Year 5 blogs. 

PSHE - Celebrating students who make our school a better place

Well done to all of the Year 5 students who were nominated by their class teachers this week because in their every day interactions in school, they make our school a better place. These students epitomize our Patana values. We are so proud of them.

Here are some of the reasons why they were chosen:

  • positive attitude to learning
  • motivated about all aspects of school
  • smiley and welcoming

Our next PSHE unit of learning will be Celebrating Differences and our celebration will be 'We are celebrating students who include others when learning and playing'.

Readers' Cup Theatre

Well done to all of our students who are developing some wonderful reading habits. Please encourage your child to discuss the books that they are reading.

Discussion points:

  • character
  • themes
  • plot
  • setting
  • connections with self, other texts and events happening in the world (really important and supports engagement and comprehension)
    • It reminds me of...
    • It makes me think about...
    • It's like another book....


Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday this week:

Tatsha5A7th September
Mandy5G8th September
Yuveer5C8th September
Prim5G9th September

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we are asking students NOT to bring in any cakes from home to share with members of the class. We will however sing Happy Birthday at some point throughout the day. 

General Information


Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Transport02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Ja

Primary Rep is Amelie

Primary Office02 7852
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year Group Leaders
Miss Miranda Cawley

Ms Julie Kelly

Miss Olivia Clutterbuck

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