Year 4 Newsletter 29.03.24 

We are collaborative and confident communicators

A note from the Principal

Thank you to all the parents who participated in our Parent-Teacher meetings this week. These meetings are held twice a year, and we are always thrilled to discuss our students' achievements and progress. Our teachers put in a lot of effort to get ready for these meetings, so I want to express my gratitude to them for their dedication.

I would like to bring to your attention that we have some ongoing illness cases in certain year groups. As a reminder, please keep your child home from school if they display clear signs of being unwell. Let’s work together to keep our school a healthy environment. 

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

DateEventWho is involved?Notes
5th AprilPrimary Songkran Assembly

Sports Hall
5th AprilLast Day of Term 2

22nd AprilTerm 3 begins

29th April
Block D ECAs commence

1st May
Academic Staff Professional Learning Day
StaffChildren not in school
2nd May
Year 4 Sports Day

13th- 17th May
Book Fair in school

22nd May
Visakha Bucha (Public Holiday)

School Closed
27th-31st May
Primary Music Performance Week

3rd June
HM Queen Suthida's Birthday (Public Holiday)

18th June
Primary Busking Day

21st June
End of Year Whole School assembly

21st June
Term 3 ends

Get ready for a splash of fun!

The school’s Songkran Festival is on April 5th. Have your costumes ready for a day of joyous celebration, starting bright and early. Costume sales are open from April 3rd-5th, 7:30-9:00 am at Foundation Stage, and April 3rd-4th, 12:00-1:00 pm at the Secondary Lounge. See you in your best festive wear!

Year 6 Production

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease – Preventative Measures

HFMD is a viral infection which spreads via direct contact, particularly of body fluids caused by coughing and sneezing.

Symptoms of HFMD may include fever for 2/3 days, sore throat, runny nose, rash (palms of hands, soles of feet, buttocks, mouth), poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy.

Because of the prevalence of HFMD in Thailand, we are required to report all cases to the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority.

The school response (children kept at home for seven days + rigorous cleaning of buildings and equipment) helps avert closures.

Rigorous and frequent handwashing is also an important preventative measure.

If you notice such symptoms, please contact Nurse Joe and a member of her team will check all children in the class.

If your child with symptoms, and there are other siblings in school, please share this information with Nurse Joe.

Khun Joe can be contacted at

RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) presentations for Primary Parents

Thank you to those parents who were able to join us on Tuesday for our RSE Year 4 and 5 Parent Presentation.

Please find a screencast of the presentation. The videos referenced throughout the screencast are below.

Here are the videos referred to during the presentation:

Here are some suggestions for how to talk with your child .

As we move through the curriculum, we will share information in the newsletter so that you are aware of what your child is going to learn.

If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself,

RSE lessons will begin in Term 3

Mental Math World Cup

FOBISIA 2024 Poetry Competition

Watch the video here for more information.

PTG- Tech Talk

PTG Notices

Learning In Year 4

Term 2A- Digging In The Dirt

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.


For all lessons students will need their full PE kit, trainers, a hat and water bottle. Students will also need their school uniform to change into after the lesson.

After residentials students will being Unit 2B activities. All students will be starting their Teeball activity block in PE, week beginning 5th February 2024. A polite reminder that football boots (rubber studs) are required for this activity.

Kind Regards,

Primary PE Team.

General information

         The following Year 4 children will be celebrating their birthdays                                                                    this week:

                                                       Audrey, 4C

                                                      Jihan, 4D

                                                       Paul, 4R

                                                        Kin, 4C

                                                      Thomas, 4J

                                       We wish you a very happy birthday!         


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep -  Maya Hino-

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla-

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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