Year 4 Newsletter 14.06.24 

We are motivated and engaged

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to all our students who took part in the magnificent Patana Primary Concert! It was a wonderful showcase of their musical talents honed through the ECA programme. Thank you to the Creative Arts team for all the hard work that went into this.

Next week is our final week of the term and hasn’t this year flown by! I look forward to the last assemblies of the year, including the Y6 leavers assembly, and our Y4 Readers Theatre event on Thursday.

Finally, don’t forget to complete our annual survey if you haven’t already as it closes today. Here is the Survey link.

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

DateEventWho is involved?Notes
18th June
Primary Busking Day

21st June
End of Year Whole School assembly

21st June
Term 3 ends


Class lists for August 2024

Next week, you will receive your child’s class list, along with a welcome letter from their new class teacher.

If you child is currently in Year 1, Year 3, or Year 5, there are no changes to their existing class.

If your child is currently in Nursery, FS1, FS2, Y2 or Y4 they will be placed in a newly mixed class.

Please support your child in dealing with any disappointment if that is the case for them.

When reading the class welcome letter, please click on the link to hear a message from your child’s new teacher. We will be delighted to welcome all of our returning students back in the new school year.

*Year 6 students have already received their new tutor group list from the Secondary Office.

A notice from Mr Max, Technology

PTG Tech Talk


       The following Year 4 children will be celebrating their birthdays next week:

                                                                       Siva, 4D

                                                                        Ahil, 4F

                                                                      Sahib, 4A

                                                                       Verity, 4A

                                                                    Rebekah, 4F

                                                                      Tristan, 4R

                                             We wish you a wonderful day!

Learning In Year 4

Term 3- Young Entrepreneurs 

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.


Football: Patana PE kit, football boots, sunhat and water bottle required. Shin pads and long football socks are strongly recommended. Please also bring sports shoes in case of adverse weather / indoor play.

OAA (outdoor and Adventurous Activities): Patana PE kit, sunhat and water bottle required.

Gymnastics: Patana PE kit required. Patana leotards are also allowed but not compulsory.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep -  Maya Hino-

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla-

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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