Year 4 Newsletter 28.08.20

Living our Values

We are balanced and fulfilled

"Be who you are not who the world wants you to be." (Anon)

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
ECA Block One starts07.09.20
School Closed - Long weekend18.09.20



Please ensure your child carries a spare mask in their bag. They are easily lost or misplaced and it is essential that these are worn at all times.


Term 1A

Please visit our Curriculum Pages for more information about learning in Year 4.

Introduction to the Learning Meetings 2020

The Year 4 teachers have shared their presentations via the class blogs.

Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.


All students should now have brought home an Oxford Reading Tree (ORT) Book. We encourage parents to listen to the students reading these books allowed. 

  • Ask them what they are reading
  • Discuss the characters
  • Discuss the theme
  • Help them to make connections with other texts, their life and the world around them

The students can change these books throughout the week with their Class Teacher.

Reading Journals

Reading journals will be taken home daily. These are just for your child to keep a log of what they read. There is no expectation that they write a response to each book and there is no expectation for parents to sign these journals. Learning partners will share these each week.

Home Learning

As well as encouraging the students to read for pleasure at home there will be a weekly home learning reflection task. 

This task will be set each week on the class blogs.

It is designed to consolidate learning from the week and encourage your children to share and discuss their learning at home.

General Information

The following students are celebrating their birthdays this week:

Kanpoj [Peyton] (4L)

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we are asking students NOT to bring in any cakes from home to share with members of the class. We will however sing Happy Birthday at some point throughout the day and give them a birthday card.

ECA - Taiko Drumming

Temporary Guardianship Form

Please let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep

Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Mrs Dominique Chandler

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