Year 4 Newsletter 17.06.22

Living our Values:

We are Conscientious Role Models

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
End of year paperless reports published23.06.22Primary SchoolPrimary School
Final Day of Term 324.06.22Whole School

This is the final newsletter of the academic year. The Year 4 teachers would like to take this opportunity to thank our community for their ongoing support and wish everyone happy and safe summer holidays.

Sadly at this time of the year we also wish farewell to a number of students and their families. We wish them safe travels and happy adventures.


In our PSHE lessons, we have been talking lots about the upcoming change of going to Year 5 or moving on to a new school.

To ease anxiety, making the unknown known is so important. We will visit the new building so that our students are familiar with the new routines of Year 5. Please keep the conversations going at home and, if you feel your child is particularly worried, please let their teacher know.

Learning & Global Citizenship

Young Entrepreneurs!

Thank you for all of the purchases that have been made so far through our online shop. The students have been busy making more products and have started preparations for a student sale that will be held in school on the 22nd of June for years 5 and 6.

The Year 4 Online Shop will remain open until Monday at 12:00pm.  Any purchases or donations for our charity are extremely welcome. There are eight different products across the year group with four businesses in each class. Do check out the products on offer - there are lots of great gift ideas, and an opportunity to bake some bread at home. 

With over 70 000 THB raised so far, we are more than halfway to our target of 100 000THB.

Click Here

All the money made from this project will go to support our year 4 charity which supports The Naan Province Hilltribes.

Art - Tote Bags for Charity

Year 4 students learnt all about the Pop/Expressionist Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and tried out his unique style using different media. Once they were ready, they created a bespoke design on canvas fabric, making sure they considered composition, expression, and colour choice.

The canvas fabric designs were then sent to Chiang Mai, where sewing education foundation BEAM sewed them into tote bags!

BEAM is a foundation that encourages and provides textiles and sewing education to marginalised women in Northern Thailand and we are so happy to have worked with them this year.

Each tote bag is hand-painted with a unique design and sewn with care and expertise. Each tote bag also includes an A4 colour giclee print with a special note, plus a fun sticker page, all of the children's art. Well done Year 4!

Grab your bag now for just 300thb and all proceeds go to BEAM. :D If you would like to purchase one, please click this link to our Art Project Online Shop.

Click here to order yours now >> order form

 Year 4 Resources

If you still have any Year 4 resources from CSL, please send them in next week. Also, please check your shelves for any Year 4 or Library books and send these in as well.

Please note that parents can come in and borrow books from the Library for the holidays using their parent account.

General Information


Available today at the Tiger Shop is this cool craft (DIY Tie-Dye Butterfly pin) developed by Y10 students as part of their CAS project: Development of a Socially Responsible Product.

50% of the proceeds go to support a local charity (Fatima Home, Bangkok).

Get it today for 299 THB.


If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher.

We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School.

Happy Birthday to these students, who are celebrating this week and over the summer holidays:


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Vanessa Abdala Sales

Primary Rep
Apollo Chansrichawla

Newcomers Rep

Chris Chan Ebrahim

Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Mrs Dominique Chandler

Mr Alex Lowe

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