Year 4 newsletter 17.03.23

We are kind, compassionate and respectful

This week in our year group assembly, we addressed friendship fires and how we can put these out. We discussed the fact that no two of us are exactly the same and that our differences are what make us interesting and special. We each have so much to offer!

Finally, we talked about using kind words and including others in our games and when learning collaboratively. 

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

It is a wonder how we fit in some many wonderful experiences in one week! I have so many highlights to share with you today. Firstly, the annual Fun Day event held last Saturday was a huge success. Our dedicated PTG did an superb job, and it was great to see so many happy students and parents spending the day with us.

Our Year 3 students have had a fantastic time on their residential trip to Pattaya. The venue and activities were excellent, and it's always wonderful to see our students learning and having fun outside of the classroom. I am delighted to have joined the Y3 and Y4 residential this year, and I will attend Y5 and Y6 next!

Also during the course of the week, our FS2, Y1, and Y2 students experienced a fantastic Sports Day. It was a fun-filled day with a variety of activities and our youngest students demonstrated great sportsmanship. Thanks to the PE team, our supporting staff and all the Parents who joined us.

Lastly, this weekend, I will be attending the Fobisia leadership conference. I am looking forward to learn from, and network with, other education professionals and bring back new insights to our school.

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend ahead!

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

21st MarchPrimary Parents Workshop: Maths Workshop
28th March

Primary Parents Workshop: Social Emotional Learning and Support in the Primary School

31st March Term 2 endsHave a safe and relaxing break!
5-13th AprilPassover
9th AprilEaster Sunday
17th AprilTerm 3 begins
18th-20th AprilParent- teacher meetings
21st AprilEid-al-Fitr
24th April Block D ECAs commence

General Information

Learning In Year 4

Term 2- Digging in the Dirt!

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.

                                                         PE- Term 3

Here is the timetable for PE in Year 4, Term 3.

TGFU (Games) = Patana PE kit, sports shoes and water bottle

OAA (Outdoor Adventure Activities) = Patana PE kit, sports shoes, sunhat and water bottle

Mini Tennis = Patana PE kit, sports shoes and water bottle

Gymnastics = Patana PE kit and water bottle


                     The following students are celebrating their

                                        birthdays during half term:

                                               Marwyn, 4F

                                              Soichiro, 4N

                                                Ada, 4A

                             We wish you a very happy birthday!


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep - Ashmeet Narula

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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