Year 4 Newsletter 16.02.24

We are motivated and engaged

A note from the Principal

Wishing all our families and very enjoyable and relaxing mid-term break! Thank you for all your efforts in making Term 2 A wonderful. See you all on Monday, 26 February.

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

DateEventWho is involved?Notes
26th FebruaryTerm 2B begins

27th FebruaryPrimary Parents Workshop : Assessment and Reporting


Primary Hall

1st MarchYear 4 Theme Day

5th MarchPrimary Parents Workshop : Current research and thinking around homework in Primary School


Primary Hall

11th- 15th MarchPrimary Science Week

12th MarchPrimary Parents Workshop : Atomic Science by Ruben Meerman and Ian Stuart


Primary Hall

12th MarchYear 4 Interclass Tee-Ball event
Please see below for details
14th MarchSmile Day

19th March

Primary Parents Workshop : A curriculum deepened by Engagement, Motivation and Critical Thinking


Primary Hall

25th-28th  MarchPrimary: Parent-Teacher Meetings

14.45- 17.00


26th MarchPrimary Parents Workshop : RSE Presentation to Y4 - 5 Parents

Primary Hall

5th AprilPrimary Songkran Assembly

Sports Hall
5th AprilLast Day of Term 2

22nd AprilTerm 3 begins

Year 4 Interclass Teeball Event

Save the date! Interclass Teeball will take place on Tuesday 12th March during class PE lessons, timings as follows:

4R 4H 4A and 4D: 7.40am - 8.40am

4W 4F 4J and 4C: 8.40am – 9.40am

Parents are welcome to attend. Please can all players wear a T-shirt of their class colour (below)

Thank you,

Miss Zoe

Music - Recorders

After our half term break, our music unit will be recorders again. Please remind your child to bring in their instrument if they do not yet have it in school. We will be reviewing the notes learnt in the first unit as well as learning new notes and rhythms.

You can find all the music on our firefly page so please do encourage your child to practice at home between classes. If you have questions please contact Lisa Mallett (

World Book Day- Thursday 7th March

There are some exciting book themed activities planned for this special day. Please note that it will not be a dress up day.

We invite families to donate a brand-new children’s book (Thai Language Please) which will passed to one of our charities:

  • FS - Home of Praise (age 2-5)
  • Y2 - Children of the Forest (age 5-11)
  • Y3 - Thomas House (age 5-11)
  • Y4 - Mercy Centre (age 5-11)

If you wish to donate a book, your child should hand it to their class teacher during the month of March.

Songkran Art Competition

If you would like to enter the competition, you can submit a painting of a flower pattern for the competition.

 For example, you could submit an A4 watercolour flower pattern painting, or an acrylic canvas flower pattern painting, etc.

 The winning flower pattern paintings will then be turned into Songkran shirts.

Developing Speech and Language Presentation

Thank you very much for attending the 'Developing Speech and Language' presentation on the 7th of February 2024. For your reference, please find included the slides from the workshop.

Kind regards,

Anna Lawlor

The Young Mathematical Authors Competition

Parent Workshops

Supporting your Child with Reading at Home

Thank you to all the parents who attended the recent parent workshop on Tuesday 6th February. Please follow this link to access the presentation slides:

Supporting Your Child with Reading at Home

Parent Maths workshop (Term 1)

Back in Term 1, Liz Gibbs and Andrew Jeffrey came to Bangkok Patana to offer some guidance for parents who would like to support their children with Maths. Please see their presentation below. If you would like any more suggestions for how to to support your child with their learning, please contact your child's class teacher.


Air pollution

At this time of year we notice a change in the Air Quality in Bangkok.

In the morning before school starts when we have the Status:


From 7am onwards, Year 4 students should come inside and go to their classroom where there will be teachers supervising them safely inside.

Parents are encouraged to drop their children at the doors .

We please kindly ask parents not to come into this space as it may become crowded and full.

Should your child arrive before 7am on any day they should go directly to the Primary Office until duty staff begin to supervise.

Please find the school policy for Air Quality Here

Learning In Year 4

Term 2A- Digging In The Dirt

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.


For all lessons students will need their full PE kit, trainers, a hat and water bottle. Students will also need their school uniform to change into after the lesson.

After residentials students will being Unit 2B activities. All students will be starting their Teeball activity block in PE, week beginning 5th February 2024. A polite reminder that football boots (rubber studs) are required for this activity.

Kind Regards,

Primary PE Team.

General information

         The following Year 4 children will be celebrating their birthdays                                                                    this week:


                                                         Alyse, 4A

                                                       Nathan, 4C

                                                       Bright, 4J

                                                       Lucas, 4F

                                                       Emma, 4W


                                       We wish you a very happy birthday!         


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep -  Maya Hino-

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla-

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler


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