Wednesday 1st April

April Fools' Day is about more than playing jokes, tricks and pranks. That's just the most fun part of the day! Check out why we're all so mischievous on April 1st.

The History

In the 16th century, France celebrated the New Year just like we do today, except they partied on April 1st. In 1562, Pope Gregory changed the calendar to the one we use today and from then on, the New Year began on January 1st. Lots of peeps (people) didn't know about the new calendar, or they ignored the new calendar and kept celebrating on April 1st. Everyone else called them April fools and played tricks on them.

Fools Around the World

In France today, April 1st is called Poisson d'Avril, which means April Fish. Children tape paper fish to their friends' backs and when the young "fool" finds out, the prankster yells "Poisson d'Avril!" In England, tricks can only be played in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a "noodle." In Scotland, you are called an "April gowk," which is another name for a cuckoo bird. In Portugal, April Fools' is celebrated on the Sunday and Monday before Lent. Pranksters (people who like to play jokes) usually throw flour at their friends.

Yesterday's Brain Teaser Answer

Here is today's brain teaser....

Riddle - I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even.

What number am I?

Registration -To register click here

SPaG - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Log in to Bug Club. Your class teacher has set you some Spelling and Grammar activities for spelling or phonics this morning :)

ICT - Can I embed a 3D model?

ICT Learning

Click below for the full instructions:

Learning this week:

Children, go to your friends' blogs and comment on their models that they posted from last week.

If you haven't finished then you can edit your model and re-post on your blog page.

An example of a good post to your friend's pages:

Hey Sarah, I really like the model you have made. It has a really good likeness to the Taj Mahal in India. The spires and roof are really detailed. I also like the windows you have put in there too. I can see that you have copied and pasted the parts to make it symmetrical.

One thing I might add as a wish is that I would have taken more time on the doors to get the same detail you have on the other parts of your model.

Take a look at my model and tell me what you think of it. :)

Tips: Be informal, be friendly and talk to your friends like you do in class. It's ok to add an emoji to the end but keep it at a single emoji.

You are doing well if:

You have used correct spelling and grammar

You have used their name

You have looked closely and offered two pieces of praise

You have offered good advice on their next steps

You have been very positive

You have used only one emoji

Take a break!

Please remember - if you also go to EAL classes with Miss Ayla, you need to visit the EAL blog too!

French Learning

LI: Can I say sentences (ask&reply)?

Watch the video

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

German Learning

Can I understand and use key-words? Go to Google Classroom and follow the instruction.

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

Spanish Learning

Unit: Mis Mascotas

LI Can I say and write sentences using plural nouns?

Watch this video and listen to the story. Pay attention to the words that appear on the screen! :-)

Go to Google Classroom > Classwork > Continuing Student Learning and find the assignment for today.

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

Mandarin Learning

Can I read and understand sentences?

Go to Google Classroom for instruction

Check firefly page to print out worksheets

Check Quizlet

Complete P. 49 &50

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

Thai Learning

LI: Can I read words and tell the meaning?



  1. อ่านคำ และหาความหมายของคำที่ไม่รู้หรือไม่แน่ใจ
  2. อ่านสารคดีเรื่อง ปลา




























เขียน ✔ตรงคำที่อ่านได้ และเข้าใจความหมาย

เขียน ☺ ตรงคำที่ต้องการฝึกอ่านซ้ำ

ถ้ามีเวลาพอ ให้นักเรียนอ่านเรื่องปลา หากมีเวลาไม่พอ ให้นักเรียนทำต่อวันศุกร์ค่ะ

หากมีข้อสงสัยหรือไม่แน่ใจเกี่ยวกับกิจกรรม สามารถติดต่อคุณครูได้ค่ะ




If you have any questions please contact your Thai teacher; amhe, prwa or poca (Kru Gak, Kru Pranee or Kru Porn).

EAL Learning

Click on the picture below to explore today’s EAL learning!

Brain break

Do you need a brain break? Try this awesome drawing tool.

Literacy Learning- Can I research?

LI: Can I research?

Learning task: You will be using your research skills learnt in Library and Literacy sessions to find out more about cats.

Here are some suggestions:

  • House cats
  • Tigers
  • Cat breeds and their similarities/differences
  • How cats eat, see and hear (Scientific)
  • Any other cat related topic who find interesting


  1. Watch the video of Mr Bart below
  2. Choose a topic
  3. Set up a mind map with your topic in the middle
  4. Choose your keyword search words 
  5. Use kid/child-friendly websites
  6. Read and take notes  
  7. Keep these notes in different sections (these will become your paragraphs

Mr Bart helping you research

EL: Skim and scan poster

Mind Mapping

In tomorrow's lesson, you will use the mind map to create a non-chronological report using your research

Mathematics - Can I divide?

Maths warm-up

Let’s warm up!

You can make your own counters to try this challenge!

How many words for division can you think of?
If you think you’ve got them all, reveal the picture.

Click to reveal :)

How could we draw a picture to show 12 ➗ 4?

How could we show 88 ➗ 4?

In maths today we’d like you to revisit division. Look at the success criterias below and choose a strategy that works for you.

Don’t forget that you can create your own counters using objects that you have at home.

Now try one challenge.

Finished? Choose one calculation and explain, using words, what you did at each step.

First, I _________________. Then, I __________. After that, I _________________.

When you have completed everything, check your answers.

Star: 4, 6, 6, 5, 3, 6

Heart: 36, 31, 21, 74, 95, 66

Arrow: 37r1, 46, 98, 41r3, 48r1, 97

Now, try and make up some of your own questions or have fun playing the game below.

EL Blog link

Story time

Feeling energetic?

LIVE PE with Joe Wicks!

TV star Joe Wicks a.k.a "The Body Coach" has come up with a fantastic way to have fun and keep fit, with LIVE exercise sessions every day at 4pm (Thailand time)! We would love the Patana Community to join in!

Watch this video to find out more and click on the image access lots more!


If you are missing your ECAs, here is a great blog for you:

We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us :)

Recent Articles


  1. hi

    Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 07:46

    1. hi

      Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:iSAMSstu:14404, 01/04/2020 at 07:58

      1. hi…

        Posted by Lucas Suradejvibul, 01/04/2020 at 08:21

        1. Hi

          Posted by Arnav Berry, 01/04/2020 at 09:03

        2. I don't know ze answer for ze brain teaser

          Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 08:01

          1. now I know the answer

            the answer is seven because if you take the s of seven will become the word even!

            Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 08:07

            1. duh...
              so easy!
     a sticker!

              Posted by 4107e700a64e2543a738854824abbf3b, 01/04/2020 at 08:37

              1. Yeah it’s easy

                Posted by da47366123cb5840a9ab9fd7d5fd1809, 01/04/2020 at 11:14

            2. ( ̄︶ ̄)↗hi  Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

              Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, 01/04/2020 at 14:31

            3. Hello everybody

              Posted by 28d4ffff6efd6b4db8f2965d85c90924, 01/04/2020 at 08:07

              1. ..௵ hi

                Posted by Lucas Suradejvibul, 01/04/2020 at 08:20

                1. I can copy your words ௵

                  Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 09:48

                  1. yeah me too 「I can copy your words ௵」

                    Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, 01/04/2020 at 14:33

                2. I can’t get into Spanish

                  Posted by 28d4ffff6efd6b4db8f2965d85c90924, 01/04/2020 at 08:21

                  1. todays brain teaser's answore's:seven (seven - s )

                    Posted by 4107e700a64e2543a738854824abbf3b, 01/04/2020 at 08:36

                    1. i know

                      Posted by Ethan Vinya, 01/04/2020 at 08:53

                  2. where is everyone

                    Posted by Pavee {Totti} Pungpapong, 01/04/2020 at 09:06

                    1. sup

                      Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 09:49

                    2. Hello

                      Posted by Milou De Klein, 01/04/2020 at 09:48

                      1. oh yeah

                        Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 10:01

                      2. You finished I didn’t yet

                        Posted by 28d4ffff6efd6b4db8f2965d85c90924, 01/04/2020 at 09:52

                        1. 没想法开关面板南平市人员好久哦六月九日【p

                          Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, 01/04/2020 at 14:40

                        2. I’m in Tokyo seriously I am

                          Posted by 28d4ffff6efd6b4db8f2965d85c90924, 01/04/2020 at 09:53

                          1. whaaaaaaaa?

                            Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 10:11

                          2. Hi People

                            Posted by Tatsha Kuansongtham, 01/04/2020 at 09:57

                            1. Hi :D

                              Posted by Milou De Klein, 01/04/2020 at 09:59

                              1. Milo it is varissa’s birthday

                                Posted by da47366123cb5840a9ab9fd7d5fd1809, 01/04/2020 at 11:15

                                1. That's not how u spell my name

                                  Posted by Milou De Klein, 01/04/2020 at 11:17

                                  1. I know it by accident

                                    Posted by da47366123cb5840a9ab9fd7d5fd1809, 01/04/2020 at 11:46

                              2. Hi :D

                                Posted by Milou De Klein, 01/04/2020 at 09:59

                                1. gg

                                  Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 10:35

                              3. happy April fools

                                Posted by Gabrielle Siri {Gabby} Thepsoparn, 01/04/2020 at 10:44

                                1. There are 28 comments now 29 because of this one :D

                                  Posted by Milou De Klein, 01/04/2020 at 11:19

                                  1. ooo

                                    Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 12:56

                                    1. Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, 01/04/2020 at 14:40

                                  2. HI

                                    Posted by Clara Hoppenbrouwers, 01/04/2020 at 11:53

                                    1. Hi

                                      Posted by Pattadon {Aidan} Sapayanon, 01/04/2020 at 12:22

                                      1. did you watch spies in disguise?

                                        Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 12:57

                                        1. hello

                                          Posted by Shengxi Huang, 01/04/2020 at 13:05

                                          1. Why do you always ask about spies in disguise

                                            Posted by da47366123cb5840a9ab9fd7d5fd1809, 01/04/2020 at 14:30

                                          2. (。・∀・)ノ゙↗嗨 <Hi>

                                            Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, 01/04/2020 at 14:37

                                          3. whos :D ?௵☣

                                            Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, 01/04/2020 at 14:23

                                            1. COOL ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ

                                              Posted by Torres Chou, 01/04/2020 at 14:23

                                              1. æ ͡◕ ͡◕

                                                Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, 01/04/2020 at 14:30

                                              2. hi
                                                Posted by Shengxi Huang, Yesterday at 07:46

                                                Posted by Adam Wit, Yesterday at 07:58

                                                Posted by Lucas Suradejvibul, Yesterday at 08:21

                                                Posted by Arnav Berry, Yesterday at 09:03

                                                I don't know ze answer for ze brain teaser
                                                Posted by Shengxi Huang, Yesterday at 08:01

                                                now I know the answer

                                                the answer is seven because if you take the s of seven will become the word even!
                                                Posted by Shengxi Huang, Yesterday at 08:07

                                                so easy!
                                       a sticker!
                                                Posted by Bowie van Veen, Yesterday at 08:37

                                                Yeah it’s easy
                                                Posted by Amelia Osborne, Yesterday at 11:14

                                                ( ̄︶ ̄)↗hi  Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
                                                Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, Yesterday at 14:31

                                                Hello everybody
                                                Posted by Henry Wiedmann, Yesterday at 08:07

                                                ..௵ hi
                                                Posted by Lucas Suradejvibul, Yesterday at 08:20

                                                I can copy your words ௵
                                                Posted by Shengxi Huang, Yesterday at 09:48

                                                yeah me too 「I can copy your words ௵」
                                                Posted by Zhicheng {Danny} Gong, Yesterday at 14:33

                                                I can’t get into Spanish
                                                Posted by Henry Wiedmann, Yesterday at 08:21

                                                todays brain teaser's answore's:seven (seven - s )
                                                Posted by Bowie van Veen, Yesterday at 08:36

                                                i know
                                                Posted by Ethan Vinya, Yesterday at 08:53

                                                where is everyone
                                                Posted by Pavee {Totti} Pungpapong, Yesterday at 09:06

                                                Posted by Shengxi Huang, Yesterday at 09:49

                                                See 10 m

                                                Posted by 4107e700a64e2543a738854824abbf3b, 02/04/2020 at 08:59