Thursday 23rd April

Equipment list for today

  • PE kit
  • Pencil and paper

Today's Brain Teaser

Solve the pattern puzzle below. Find the missing number to replace the question mark?


Answer to yesterday's brain teaser - The River Crossing Problem

a) Here’s the step-by-step solution to 'The river crossing problem'

  1. The farmer brings the goose across the river first (if he leaves the goose alone, it will either eat the beans or be eaten by the fox).
  2. The farmer brings either the fox or the beans across and leaves the other one alone.

  3. Now the farmer has two items on the other side of the river, including the goose. If he leaves the goose again, the same problem will occur. So, the farmer must bring the goose back to the other side.

  4. The farmer brings the other item back (either the fox or the beans) and leaves the goose alone again. The fox and the beans are now on the other side of the river.

  5. The farmer returns and brings the goose across the river again.

Lesson 1: 8-8:40am

PE - Can I create a movement sequence?

LI: Can I create a movement sequence?

Warm up- Complete the balance quest. Can you complete all of the balances? Make sure you try it on both sides.

Balance Quest

Main Activity- Open the gymnastics routine powerpoint. Have a look through all the slides and then perform your own.

Gymnastics Routine

Go to Y4 Team (Grad 29) on MS Teams.

Enter calendar.

Join the lesson at 9:00am.

Can I learn collaboratively?

Resources: laptop, MS Teams, headphones, Google Drive open and links to the resources (your teacher will share these with you during the live session)

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Lesson 2: 9-9:40am

Literacy Live Learning at 9:00 am

LI: Can I describe a setting?

Learning Task: Use your vocabulary and expanded noun phrases to write a paragraph describing the setting in ‘The Small Shoemaker’.

How am I going to share my learning?

Share your learning through your Google Doc.


  1. Watch the video up until 50 seconds

  2. Choose your challenge

  3. Write a paragraph to describe the setting

Let’s watch a story together…

Stop at 50 seconds.

Create your own sentence structure to write your descriptive paragraph.

Extra challenge? 

Can I write an alternative ending ?

Take a break! 

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am

Art- Can I draw graffiti?

LI: Can I draw graffiti?


Learning Task: On the Primary Art Blog: Introductory video and PowerPoint. Follow Link:

Resources: A4 or A3 paper, pencil, eraser

How will you share your learning: Draw your graffiti on an A4 or A3 piece of paper and share it on your blog

Time Frame: 1 lesson (30 to 40 minutes per session)

Lesson 4: 11-11:40am

Maths- Can I recognise decimals on a place value grid?

Learning Task: recognising tenths on a PV grid


  1. Answer the questions from the blog. 
  2. Use a notebook or paper to do this.
  3. Draw the place value grids. 
  4. use objects such as buttons/counters or draw the counters in the right columns. 
  5. Write the answer to each question.
  6. Take a photo of what you did and put it on your Google Doc.  

Thinking Starter:

Watch the video for today’s lesson:

Challenge 1:

Challenge 2:

Challenge 3: To complete challenge 3 you must have completed challenge 2 as well.

Answers Challenge 1:

Answers Challenge 2:

Answers Challenge 3:

Lesson 5: 13-13:40am

Guided Reading Learning

Choose from one of the options below:

  • You can select a book from Bug Club activelearn, from the books that I have assigned you.

  • Choose an activity from the grid below

Have a great afternoon.  We look forward to your learning from today.  

Story time


We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us :)

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