Thursday 14th May

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are;

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book
  • Scrap paper for folding/cutting
  • Recipe Ingredients

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

EAL - Red&Purple Team - LIVE Lesson in Microsoft Teams with Miss Jenene @8am. You will not do Library today.


Click here to be directed to Mr Damon's Blog Page!

Maths- Live lesson @ 9am 


EL here

EL answers here


PE: Can I copy, link and remember dance motifs?

The link provided contains both the warm up and the main activity today. Make sure you read all the instructions carefully.

Art: Can I draw a character?

Learning Task: You are going to draw Wally from ‘Where’s Wally?’. Click the link to the art blog, watch the introduction video and click the link to follow the instructions on the Google slide.

How am I going to share my learning? 

Share your finished art in your Google Drive and share it with Mr Dallas by following this link and placing it in your art class folder:


Connected Learning : Can I prepare and cook using correct tools?

Today you will be making a recipe of your own choosing which you can share with your friends and family. There are several ideas below but if you want to do something different and get creative, you absolutely can! 

If you do not wish to cook you could make pretend food from Lego, Plasticine, slime or playdough and use these to divide up into different fractions (equal parts).

Your Success Criteria:

· You used kitchen equipment safely and correctly.

· You have the correct ingredients to make your food.

· You have changed your recipe a little bit if you cannot find something you need.

· You have made sure that your recipe does not have anything you are allergic to in it.

· You have followed the recipe you chose accurately.

· Your food will be tasty (it is a treat)

· Once made, your food must be divided up into equal pieces

Story Time