Monday 11th May

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are;

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book
  • Freezer bags, oil, food colouring
  • Scrap paper for folding/cutting

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Science: Can I carry out a practical enquiry?

Last week we looked at how polar bears keep warm, this week we will be learning how penguins stay dry in freezing temperatures!

Watch the clip:

Wet feathers would make the birds much colder than dry feathers! When the penguins feathers are covered with oils and waxes, their feathers are "water-proof," and the penguins stay much warmer. 

Today you will be carrying out a practical experiment to discover how the oil keeps the feathers dry!

Click to see today's experiment;

To demonstrate how oil can keep feathers dry, this is what we are going to do:


1- Fill the plastic bag about 1/4 full with water.

Add blue food coloring to make a "blue ocean." You could have green or clear oceans too. Optionally, tape the bag closed.

2- Carefully add oil to the water. Put in enough that you can see an oil layer on the top.

Notice how they are not mixing


After mixing them for a minute, hold the bag still -

What do you notice?

The ocean water does not mix with the penguins’ feathers when they are wet because they are covered in oil.This keeps the penguins dry and warm in freezing temperatures.

What happens if you cover your finger with oil and dip it in water?

Make a prediction and try it out!

Maths- Live Lesson @ 9am

Take a break!

Literacy: Can I respond to a text?

This week we will all be creating a poem, story or comic strip to explain what positive things you have experienced during your time at home.

Q: What is a proverb?

Click below to find out?

Q: What does “ Every cloud has a silver lining” mean?

Watch the video to find out…

Your Task:

  • Do you have a proverb in your home language that has a similar meaning?
  • What have been YOUR silver linings from your time at home so far? Try to think of at least 3 things.

Don't forget to share your learning on your weekly google doc

If you learn with Ms. Keri for Literacy, your learning for today is on the Y3 EL Blog. Click here to go to the blog.

Thai Culture

Thai for non-Thai speakers

LI: Can I make sentences? More practice

Step 1: Download the Powerpoint. This is important so that you can hear the voice recording on the slides.

Follow the link: Year 3 TC NonThai for WB 11 May

Step 2: Follow the instructions on each slide

Step 3: Share your work with your Thai teacher.

Thai for Thai speakers

LI: Can I write the vocabulary learned?


Step 1: Download a story and read.

Step 2: Find words with สระอิ and discuss with adults about the meanings of them.

Step 3: Download the worksheet and follow instructions.

Step 4: Share your learning by taking a photo of your work and email or share via Google Doc. to your Thai teacher.

Link for Thai speakers:


PHSE: I know what makes me feel positive and thankful.

Understanding the Coronavirus

Do you know the reason why we are all staying at home? Why are we not at school or allowed to meet with our friends?

Take 5 minutes to watch this information video below  (click the image to view) and learn about the corona virus;

How do you feel today ?

Have a look at the chart and talk to an adult about how you feel and ask any questions you may have about the virus.

One way to stay positive is to be grateful for things that make us feel happy and safe . This is known as gratitude.

Think about what makes you feel most happy, safe and positive at home.

Challenge: Collect all of the items listed in the drop down below and take a photo of all the wonderful things that you feel grateful for. 

Grateful Scavenger Hunt;

Can you share a photo of one of them on your google doc?

Happy Birthday......

Story Time

Resources for Thursday's Optional Connected Learning and Maths Food Challenge:

Optional challenge - This Thursday we have an optional food challenge. Please look at the recipes below and pick one to make. You will need to make a list of ingredients for a shopping list but remember that you will be making the dish on Thursday, if you so wish.