Friday 8th May

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are;

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Connected Learning: Can I evaluate?

Today you will evaluate your zoo enclosure design/ model. This means you will say how good it is and if it fits with your success criteria.

You can choose to evaluate your own design or you can speak to a classmate and evaluate their design for them. You will probably need to video call to talk about this and you might need to go into their Google Docs folder to see what they have done.

Click here for steps for success:

Challenge: Copy your own success criteria or the criteria of your classmate and highlight in pink or green what they did.

EXTRA CHALLENGE 1 (Literacy link): Imagine that you are the animal seeing one of these new enclosures for the first time. Write a letter of “thank-you” to the designer and explain what you like about your new home and say if there is anything else you would like to have.

EXTRA CHALLENGE 2 (Drama): Imagine that you are the animal being allowed into your new enclosure for the first time. Act out being the animal and going into your enclosure, then go to the camera and say thank you for all the great features your enclosure has, say what they are for and say if there is anything else you would like to have.

Literacy: Live Lesson @9am

Learning Intention: Can I publish a text?

Video Reminder: How to log onto book creator:

Success Ladder:


Guided Reading 

Today is our final session using our Zookeeper text. 

Complete some of these tasks by yourself about the Wolfram text you have been reading and post your learning in your Google Doc.

Before you complete the tasks make sure you listen/read the chapter one more time!

Chapter 1: Junior Keeper Wolfham

Chapter 1: Junior Keeper Wolfram

Wolfram Robard let out a cavernous yawn, stretched his arms high over his head and sat up in his small, cosy bed. He’d been a junior keeper at the Magical Menagerie Zoo for what felt like forever, but even so he could never get used to getting up so early. But get up early he must, because he had to feed all the fantastic creatures that were in his care.

Just cooking the thirty-eight whole chickens that the driglenox would eat every morning took Wolfram a full hour. It then took him another half an hour to feed the chickens one at a time to the driglenox through the tiny hole in the driglenox enclosure, all the while being very careful to keep his hands out of the way of the greedy beast’s razor sharp teeth and claws. Once, a few weeks ago, Wolfram hadn’t been paying attention and before he knew what was happening the driglenox had accidentally bitten off his little finger and wolfed it down in one gulp! Embarrassed and in a lot of pain, Wolfram had sprinted straight to old Senior Keeper Merbun for help. Merbun had spent a full minute laughing cruelly at the poor boy before using his keeper magic to grow Wolfram a new finger...

Not only did Wolfram have the huge driglenox to feed, he also had to melt down five kilograms of pure iron to make a metal smoothie for the lava-foxes to drink. And just yesterday Wolfram had tripped a little when carrying the pan of boiling iron over to the lava-foxes and unfortunately one tiny drop of the scorching liquid had landed on his boot... He’d managed to wriggle his foot out of the way before the iron had made it through the tough leather of his shoe, but now he had a boot with a hole burned all the way through it!

If Senior Keeper Merbun saw it, then Wolfram knew he would be in BIG trouble for damaging his uniform and for being careless. Oh well, at least the lava-foxes were cute and didn’t try and eat Wolfram as he fed them like the driglenox did...

Finally, after the driglenox and the lava-foxes, Wolfram would stop by and see the mother and baby floop he looked after and sing a song for them to eat for their breakfast. Yes, that’s right, even though they were the size of a house, floops only ate songs. That was maybe the hardest part of Wolfram’s morning, because he had to think up a new song every day, since everybody knew that floops would also never eat the same song twice! Wolfram was embarrassed about his singing, so he really didn’t enjoy having to stand next to the floop enclosure and belt out a Taylor Swift song at thet op of his voice first thing in the morning! But every day, Wolfram did what he had to do. He did his duty. And he hummed happily the entire time.


Because one day, one magical day, Wolfram knew he would get promoted and become a senior keeper. But, for now, he had to get through another morning of back-breaking work. Sighing, Wolfram got out of his warm bed and slipped on his keeper uniform, including one boot with a hole burned all the way through it...


1. Draw or make one or more of the creatures that Wolfram takes care of.

2. Find and copy the word in the text that means ‘an area that is sealed off with a barrier’.

3. Can you rank these words based on how best they describe Wolfram? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th?

· Angry

· Clumsy

· Determined

· Strong

Can you explain what clues in the text made you pick your first choice?

Can you explain which word you put in last place and why?

4. Can you find and copy some adverbs in the text?

5. Can you find and copy a sentence that starts with an adjective?

6. Can you find and copy a sentence that starts with an ‘-ing’ verb?

7. Can you record yourself reading one paragraph from this story out loud?

8. Can you create three questions you would like to ask Wolfram?

Maths: Can I solve missing number problems?

Today we are going to use a bar model to support finding missing numbers (using money).

First, watch the video: 

Success Criteria and worked example

Next: Choose you challenge level 

But remember you only have to complete one challenge of your choice.


Finally, mark your learning using the answers below;

Answers to Challenges - Don't peek until you have finished!



German: click here;

Guten Tag Klasse 3

Can I understand and say words for family members in German?

1. Reinforce what you have learned on Tuesday with the following activities:

2. Now test yourself. You can choose between 2 different activities or do them

French: click here;

Can I understand, say and write words to describe the weather in French?

Go to and Login:

-Usename : bpsmfl, Password: langs4life

-Follow this path:

/ /

-Do the activities Introduction/Jeu 1/Jeu 2

-Print out ‘ Fiches de travail’ and complete the worksheet. Take a picture of your work and please mail it to me

Thai: click here;

LI: Can I write sentences about a story I read? ฉันสามารถเขียนเล่าเรื่องเกี่ยวกับนิทานที่อ่านได้

Follow this link:

Step 1. ดูวิดีโอคลิป นิทานอึ่งอ่างกับวัว

Watch the video clip.

นิทานเรื่อง อึ่งอ่างกับวัว Happy Channel Kids Song Step 2. เขียนเล่าเรื่องเกี่ยวกับนิทานที่อ่าน Write to retell the story.

Step 3. ส่งคำตอบโดย share ทาง Google docs. หรือ email ส่งให้ครูไทยของนักเรียน

Spanish: click here;

UNIT: Los Colores

LI Can I say and write words?

1- Watch this video.

2- Click on this link to find the assignment for today.

Madarin: click here;

Invention of compass video here

Invention of printer video here

Invention of gunpowder video here

Go to Quizlet, learn the words from flashcards first, then play matching game

Username: Mandaringuest

Password: Mandarinisfun


Resources needed for next week's learning!

  • Paper- we will be folding and cutting paper as we move onto our fractions unit in maths. This can be scrap paper/coloured paper/recycled paper 
  • Science resources needed for Monday's session are; plastic freezer bag, water, oil, food colouring (optional) and sellotape (optional)


Follow this link for some ideas about extra-curricular activities you can do at home!