Year 2 Newsletter 6-09-2019

Living our Values

We are : Balanced and Fulfilled

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Primary Parent's Workshop:Student Support Services in the Primary School10.9.19Primary HallAll Parent's Welcome
Regular ECAs Block One Begins9. 9.19Whole SchoolYear1 - Year 13
Primary Thai Parent Meeting11.9.19Primary HallThai Parents and Staff
Farmer's Market12.9.19TBCEveryone welcome
Primary Parents' Workshop: Student Welfare Strategies to help children solve friendship problems and develop resilience
17.9.19Primary HallAll Parents Welcome
School Closed20.9.19Whole SchoolWhole School
Tiger Spirit Day4.10.19Primary SchoolStudents and Day


We are safe and secure - nut free Primary School - For some children, any exposure to nuts is potentially very dangerous and can be life threatening. We do not allow any nuts to be brought into Primary. This includes snacks on school transport, birthday treats and food items brought in for any other special days. Some treats, such as macarons, contain hidden nuts. Please check the ingredients before sending into school. If snacks or birthday treats are found to contain nuts, we will contact you and either dispose of the food safely or ask you to collect and take back home. 

PE and Jewellery -  A polite reminder that during PE and swimming lessons, all jewellery including watches are removed. The PE staff will keep the items safe and return them to the students at the end of the lesson. Earrings should be removed or covered with tape.


Reading Books - Book change days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On these days your child will come home with a reading book that is selected based on their reading level,plus one 'free reader'. Please spend time listening to your child reading these books at home. These should be returned to school in time for the next book change day, if your child is ready. Please encourage the children to pack their books in their school bag each evening.

Being independent: Start of the School Day - Y2 children remain outside until 7:30. The playground and walkway are supervised from 7am and classes each have a designated area where bags can be left until the whistle blows. Parents are welcome to speak briefly with the class teacher if there is something that needs to be shared, but please make an appointment if you need to speak with them in detail about your child’s learning or well-being. Teachers are very busy preparing the learning before the start of each day and appreciate your understanding of this request.

Junk modelling - Thank you for all the junk that has been coming into school. The children have had a great week researching habitats and each class has now started to turn this junk into different habitats. Please keep it coming - more junk is always welcome!

Please visit our curriculum page to find out more about what we are learning. Our new unit is ‘Me and My World’.

Global Citizenship

Playing outside after school - It is always lovely to see our students and siblings using the playground after school. Please ensure they are always supervised by an adult and that they do not use the toys in the boxes and cages around the Year 1 and 2 playgrounds, including the blue area. This is to ensure we keep our outdoor areas safe and tidy, as well as ensure that equipment doesn't get lost or damaged. Many thanks for your co-operation.


We enjoy mini-celebrations in class but ask that you pre-arrange a time with the teacher. Individual portions such as brownies and cupcakes are easier to share out. All food sent in to school must be nut free. As school policy, teachers are not able to give out party bags or other gifts as part of a birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday to the students celebrating their birthdays this coming week:

Arham 2A 09 September
Lauraine 2C 13 September
Lily 2C 15 September
Kevin 2J 12 September
Max 2K 14 September
Younjae [Joshua] 2N 15 September
Janita [Janis] 2N 15 September

We wish you all a super day!

General Information

School Shoes 

As part of their Patana school uniform, students wear plain black school shoes (not trainers). All shoes require at least a wide strap to keep the shoe firmly in place. Children can wear lace-up shoes if they can tie up their laces independently.

Plain black school shoes can be sourced in many shops and department stores in Bangkok.

If you are having difficulty finding shoes for your child, or if they are wearing other shoes for a specific reason, please let us know. These photographs below are all examples of suitable school wear.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 2 Rep
Amelie Buysschaert 

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey

Year Group Leaders
Ms Kim Powell

Mr Liam Bowden

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