Year 2 Newsletter 30-08-2019

Living our Values

We are : Balanced and Fulfilled

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Primary Parents' Workshop: How children learn in the early primary years
3.9.19Primary HallAll Parents Welcome
PTG - Newcomers Get Together
4.9.19Black BoxNew Parents Welcome
Bangkok Patana Charity Golf Tournament
8.9.19Thana City Golf ClubEveryone Welcome
PTG Farmer's Market12.9.19Secondary Lounge.
Everyone Welcome
4.10.19The House on Sathorn, W Hotel
Everyone Welcome


We are safe and secure - Nut free Primary School - For some children, any exposure to nuts is potentially very dangerous and can be life threatening. We do not allow any nuts to be brought into Primary. This includes snacks on school transport, birthday treats and food items brought in for any other special days. Some treats, such as macarons, contain hidden nuts. Please check the ingredients before sending into school. If snacks or birthday treats are found to contain nuts, we will contact you and either dispose of the food safely or ask you to collect and take back home. 

We are responsible and honest - Lost Property - Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items. Please visit:

We are Safe and Secure - end of the school day routines

Going home by private transport: Foundation Stage - Year 3  A parent or other trusted adult must collect their Y3 child from the Y3 building, in the same way that our Y2 students are passed direct to a trusted adult. Children who have not been collected by 2:50 will then be taken to the Primary Office to await collection. 

Going home by private transport: Y4 – Y6  All children should go home as soon as possible at the end of the school day and most meet a parent/carer outside their year group building or at one regular place throughout the year.  Y4-6 students waiting for a sibling should sign in at the Primary Library until it is time to meet their siblings and go home. 

It is not safe for Primary students to leave the school premises unaccompanied to reach a vehicle parked further up the Soi. Please use our drop off and school parking zones. 

Going home by school bus: Foundation Stage - Year 3 Students must be collected on arrival by a trusted adult. Students must not be left with Reception/Security staff or make their own way from the drop-off point to their home. If there is no parent/carer at the drop off and the adult cannot be contacted, then the child will be driven back to Patana to await collection. 

Going home by school bus: Y4 – Y6 Most students are met on arrival by a parent or other trusted adult but we recognise that Y4-Y6 students are increasingly independent and ready to make their own way from the bus drop off to their home. 

Going to a different location by school bus: All Primary Students Primary students must be met by a parent/carer if going to another location that is not their home. If there is no one to meet them at bus drop off, they will be driven back to Patana to await collection. 

Please keep your Patana Card visible at all times whilst in school

School Shoes

Please note that black trainers should not be worn as school shoes, and children should change their trainers after PE. Please use the image below as a guide, as per the Patana Uniform Policy.


Thank you - It was wonderful to see so many parents at our Year 2 Introduction to the Learning Meeting last week. For those of you that were unable to make it due to work commitments, you can access our presentations on your child's class blog.

This term's learning 

This term our learning focuses on 'Me and my World'.  Using the text of 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson as a stimulus, we will be focusing our learning around our environment and global citizenship. You can find a detailed description of the term's learning on our curriculum pages by clicking the link below.

Being independent: Start of the School Day - Y2 children remain outside until 7:30. The playground and walkway are supervised from 7am and classes each have a designated area where bags can be left until the whistle blows. Parents are welcome to speak briefly with the class teacher if there is something that needs to be shared, but please make an appointment if you need to speak with them in detail about your child’s learning or well-being. Teachers are very busy preparing the learning before the start of each day and appreciate your understanding of this request.

Junk modelling -  Please send in any clean, empty containers that our students can use for junk modelling – different sized containers, cardboard boxes, egg cartons, plastic bottles etc. are all greatly appreciated. Please ensure there are no containers sent in with sharp edges. Many thanks.

Global Citizenship

Playing outside after school - It is always lovely to see our students and siblings using the playground after school. Please ensure they are always supervised by an adult and that they do not use the toys in the boxes and cages around the Year 1 and 2 playgrounds, including the blue area. This is to ensure we keep our outdoor areas safe and tidy, as well as ensure that equipment doesn't get lost or damaged. Many thanks for your co-operation.


We enjoy mini-celebrations in class but ask that you pre-arrange a time with the teacher. Individual portions such as brownies and cupcakes are easier to share out. All food sent in to school must be nut free. As school policy, teachers are not able to give out party bags or other gifts as part of a birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday to the students celebrating their birthdays this coming week:

Berend - 2B

Vee - 2K

Risa - 2L

Matteo - 2N

General Information

Come along to the PTG BIG NIGHT OUT!

Date: Friday 4th of October from 7 p.m. to midnight.

Location: The House on Sathorn, W Hotel.

Tickets go on sale 4th of September at the Tiger shop.

Come and support the PTG Farmers Market.

Date: Tuesday September 12th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Location: Secondary Lounge.

Homemade – Homegrown - Home baked

Interested vendors please contact:


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02
Transport02 2785
Primary Nurse02 2785 2478

02 2785 5460
ECAs02 2785
Year 2 Rep
Amelie Buysschaert 

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey

Year Group Leaders
Ms Kim Powell

Mr Liam Bowden

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