Year 2 Newsletter 19-03-21

Living our Values

We are critical, reflective thinkers

Upcoming Events and Important Information

EventDateLocationWho's involved
Block 4 ECA Sign UpMonday 15th MarchOnlineWhole School
Pirate Costumes in schoolWeek Beg 29th MarchYear 2Year 2 students
End of Term 2BFriday 2nd April

Term 3 BeginsMonday 19th April

3-way ConferencesTuesday 20th April - Thursday 22nd AprilYear 2 DepartmentStudents, Parents and Staff



Please can you ensure your child has a spare mask with them in their bag. As the weather hots up it is nice to have a clean, dry mask when you need it!

Healthy Snacks

We are very happy to provide time in the afternoons for your child to have a snack before their ECA or bus. Please ensure that this snack does not include chocolate or sweets. Many thanks for your support with this.

Playground equipment in the morning

Please be aware that the playground equipment is CLOSED before school starts. Please remind anyone who drops your child off, that they should not be accessing the playground equipment prior to school starting. Thank you.


Pirate Costumes!

Please bring your pirate costumes in to class week beginning 29th March. You can leave them in class throughout the week. We will use them lots of times over the week, for playing and performing!

The Year 2 Curriculum

You will find out more about our Year 2 learning this term on our curriculum pages. Next term we will be learning all about pirates!

Follow the link above!

Musician of the Month

This month, our musician is Evelyn Glennie, a Scottish percussionist and composer who lost her hearing as a young child.  

Youtube playlist is here.

ECA Block 4 Dates:

 Friday 19st March 2021 ECA Sign up closes 23:59

Friday 26th March 2021 ECA Confirmations available online. Phase II opens 17:00

Wednesday 31st March 2021 Phase II closes 12.00

Monday 26th April 2021 ECA programme commences

Friday 18th June 2021 ECA programme finishes

Swim Coaching

General Information

PTG Reps

If you would like to get in touch with the PTG, we have a Primary representative and a Year 2 representative. Their contact details are as follows:

Lost Property


Happy Birthday to the students celebrating their birthdays this coming week:

2J Marwyn 20-Mar
2L Aditya 25-Mar
2M Ada 23-Mar

We wish you a super day!

Please Note:

We are now able to celebrate the children’s birthdays with them, as long as we follow these requirements:

  • Individualised treats (cupcakes, donuts, etc) can be brought in either at the start of the day or the end of the day
  • No Nuts!
  • Please ensure that any food items sent in do not contain nuts, or any traces of nuts. Please check the ingredients.
  • No candles
  • The birthday treats must be individual portions – teachers will not be able to cut pieces of cake to be given out.

Please liaise directly with your child’s class teacher to inform them if you will be bringing in treats for your child’s birthday. Treats can be dropped off before 8:00 and after 2:00.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 2 Rep
Khun Apollo - 

Primary Rep
Khun Amélie -

Year Group Leaders
Miss Kim Powell

Mr Liam Bowden

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