Year 2 Newsletter 10-1-2020

Living our Values

We are : Inquisitive and Creative

Welcome back 

Happy New Year to you all! We hope that you and your families have had a wonderful holiday and that the children are all fully refreshed and eager to be back in school. They have already enjoyed sharing what they did over the holidays and we look forward to hearing all about their adventures over the coming days. This week, we will be helping to re-establish school routines and will introduce our new learning theme, which is all about Pirates. In fact, today was Pirate Day! We loved taking part in lots of Pirate Activities as well as watching Captian Redbeard test our rafts...

Welcome to all our new families We warmly welcome the new students who are joining Y2 this term. We wish them and their families well as they settle into their new classes and hope that they will have a wonderful time here at Patana.

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Primary Photos9th - 17th January (see below for schedule)Primary HallPrimary School
Block 3 ECA Sign Up16th JanuaryN/AWhole School


Air Quality at Patana - Please use this link for more information :

Sharing of snacks after school - Please can we remind parents that the sharing of snacks is not allowed in the primary school, including after school. This is to ensure all our student's are kept safe, as we have a number of students with potentially critical allergies. Many thanks for your support.

Nut free Primary School - For some children, any exposure to nuts is potentially very dangerous and can be life threatening. We do not allow any nuts to be brought into Primary. This includes snacks on school transport, birthday treats and food items brought in for any other special days. Thank you for your understanding.

PE and Jewellery -  A polite reminder that during PE and swimming lessons, all jewellery including watches are removed. The PE staff will keep the items safe and return them to the students at the end of the lesson. Earrings should be removed or covered with tape.


Countdown to Dance Extravaganza Begins

Block 3 ECAs mark the start of the journey towards our annual Dance Extravaganza’s in June. Sign-up for Dance and Drama Academy ECAs in Block 3 to be part of the show!

Just like last year we will have a Junior Dance Extravaganza and a Senior Dance Extravaganza spread over two fantastic nights. Primary students will be involved in the Junior Extravaganza on Monday 8th of June.

Jazz, Ballet, Street Jazz, Hip Hop, Cheerleading or Musical Theatre – there is something for everyone.

This is your chance to perform on stage in front of a an audience in full costume and make-up like a professional dancer. Being involved in a Dance ECA is a great way to stay fit, meet new friends and learn new skills.

Visit this link to see pics from last year’s event!

Japanese ECA -ECA日本語のご案内

A Japanese language ECA will be offered for students who are fluent Japanese speakers or those whose parents are Japanese speakers. Japanese teachers (not Patana staff) will lead the ECA and help your child to improve their Japanese. Please refer to the ECA application site for details.

The Young Americans - International School Bangkok will be hosting workshops in music, dance and performance to students from 6 to 18 years old. The workshops are offering by the Young Americans on 25 – 26 January 2020. For more details, please click here.

Photo Day - Please see the timetable below for your classes photo day. 

Thursday 9th January - 2A, 2C and 2J

Friday 10th January - 2M

Monday 13th January - 2L

Tuesday 14th January - 2K

Wednesday 15th January - 2N 

Friday 17th January - 2B

Global Citizenship

No plastic bags! We were really pleased to here that Thailand has band the plastic bag! Have you found any inventive ways to carry your groceries home from the supermarket?! We'd love to see them!


We enjoy mini-celebrations in class but ask that you pre-arrange a time with the teacher. Individual portions such as brownies and cupcakes are easier to share out. All food sent in to school must be nut free. As school policy, teachers are not able to give out party bags or other gifts as part of a birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday to the students celebrating their birthdays this coming week:

2C Rosie 14-Jan
2K Athena 13-Jan
2L Paxton 15-Jan
2L Abi 16-Jan
2N Derek 13-Jan

We wish you all a super day!

General Information

Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 2 Rep
Amelie Buysschaert 

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey

Year Group Leaders
Ms Kim Powell

Mr Liam Bowden

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