Y2 Newsletter 17.03.23

Upcoming Events

Primary Parent Workshop: Maths
21/03/23Primary Hall
Key Stage 1 Assembly24/03/23Primary Hall
Primary Parent Workshop: Social Emotional Learning and Support
28/03/23Primary Hall
Year 2 Children of the forest fundraiser31/03/23Y2 Classes
Primary Songkran Assembly31/03/23Sports Hall Court 1

Living our school values: 

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

Dear Parents,

It is a wonder how we fit in some many wonderful experiences in one week! I have so many highlights to share with you today. Firstly, the annual Fun Day event held last Saturday was a huge success. Our dedicated PTG did a superb job, and it was great to see so many happy students and parents spending the day with us.

Our Year 3 students have had a fantastic time on their residential trip to Pattaya. The venue and activities were excellent, and it's always wonderful to see our students learning and having fun outside of the classroom. I am delighted to have joined the Y3 and Y4 residential this year, and I will attend Y5 and Y6 next!

Also, during the course of the week, our FS2, Y1, and Y2 students experienced a fantastic Sports Day. It was a fun-filled day with a variety of activities and our youngest students demonstrated great sportsmanship. Thanks to the PE team, our supporting staff and all the Parents who joined us.

Lastly, this weekend, I will be attending the Fobisia leadership conference. I am looking forward to learning from, and networking with, other education professionals and bringing back new insights to our school.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend ahead!


Term 2 - Adventures on the High Seas

Please visit our curriculum pages to find out more about this exciting learning!


Class Placements 2023 - 2024

We are now starting the process of re-mixing some year groups for the 2023-24 academic year.

Foundation stage classes are re-mixed at the end of every year, as the number on roll increases significantly from Nursery, into FS1 and then into FS2.

For all other year groups, when your child moves to a new building, they will also be re-mixed into new classes. Cohorts being mixed into new classes for August 2023 are as follows.

Why do Primary re-mix classes so often?

Given the significant number of arriving and departing families each year, we need to re-balance gender, nationalities, specific needs, and languages across the whole cohort.

Class mixing is a complex procedure. We consider several factors, but our priority is to make sure that every child starts the year with one secure and positive friendship. Our teachers decide on new placements based on their detailed knowledge of individual children and friendship groups.

We encourage students to reflect on how their friendships make them feel.

Is the friendship supportive, respectful, and equal?

What if my child is unhappy about their new class?

Your child may feel sad and disappointed not to be placed in the same class as a particular friend and parents may even find themselves under pressure to ‘fix the problem’ for them. If this becomes the case for your child, we ask that you support the school’s decision-making process.

Most anxieties lessen over time and any remaining concerns tend to disappear once back in school.

Do the students get a say?

Students in Year 6 are asked to be part of the process and a separate letter will be sent home giving those families some additional guidance.

This process will take some time and the class lists will not be shared until the end of the academic year. Should you have any questions about this process please contact Mr David Walton (Leader of Learning and Welfare Year 2) via email: dawa@patana.ac.th

Global Citizenship

Children of the Forest Challenge

We are excited to announce that our Year 2 community fundraising event for Term 2 will be the Children of the Forest Challenge which will be held on Friday 31st March. This will be a spelling challenge to raise money for our charity Children of the Forest.

Please look out for your child's spelling list which has been sent home this week. Encourage your child to have fun while learning their words, which will help motivate and engage them in the process.

Your child will ask you and other family members to sponsor them for learning their words. After the event, your child’s teacher will let you know your child’s score, so you know how much sponsorship money to send in. Please do not send sponsorship money until after the event.

We appreciate your support for this important fundraising event.

General Information

Uniform and PE Kit

On PE days students should come to school dressed in their PE kit and will remain in this throughout the day.

On Non-PE days students should wear school uniform including black shoes/trainers.

On Swimming Days students should bring their swimming kit in their bag to change into and wear school uniform including black shoes/trainers

ECAs- Some ECAs require a different kit. On these days students should bring this kit in their bag and teachers will provide a time and space before the ECA for students to change.


If your child needs to take medicine during the school day.  

This must be given to the School Nurse.

The nurses will then come to class to administer the medicine at the appropriate times. 

Students should not be bringing or carrying medicine in their school bags.

Birthday celebrations

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School.

The following students are celebrating this week:

Pinyapat [Tam] 2J

Teva 2W

Teo 2F

Yena [Alex] 2P

Ruyi [Emily] 2C

Have a wonderful day!

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Joe Bower jobo@patana.ac.th

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