Y2 Newsletter 10.11.23

Upcoming Events

PTG Big Night Out11/11/23
Primary 3 Way Conferences (School Closed)17/11/23Primary School
International Day20/11/23Whole School
Parent Workshop - Primary World Languages22/11/23Primary Hall
Primary Loi Krathong27/11/23Primary School
Parent Workshop - Assessment and Reporting in the Primary School28/11/23Primary Hall
Whole School Dress Up Day - Storytelling01/12/23Whole School
School Closed - Public Holiday05/12/23Whole School
Dress up Day - Christmas Spirit15/12/23Whole School
Christmas Assembly (Whole School)15/12/23Sports Hall
Last Day of Term 115/12/23Whole School

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

3 November 2023

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

It has been a superb week here in Patana Primary with a range of exciting events and activities! First up, some staff and parent sessions with consultant Kim Scott on the benefits of play and playful learning. Then we were quickly into our Sporting events, including our Sports Days and Swim Galas. On Thursday, it was the Y5 Readers Cup and then we finished the week with Friendship Friday.

A huge thank you to all the students who took part in our recent Flip Grid competition on ‘what makes us special’. We received a whopping 405 entries and special commendation is due to the Year 6 students, who impressed us with a remarkable 122 video entries. Following closely behind, the Year 2 students submitted an impressive 118 videos. To celebrate their enthusiastic participation, both year groups have received the highly anticipated prize of an extra playtime in a campus location of their choice. Here’s a small sample of the responses!

Hope to see some of you at the PTG Big Night Out on Saturday!


New Theme of Learning - Green Spaces

The Big Idea

We live in a big, busy, bustling city but it didn't used to be like that. Urban habitats develop gradually and their development is led by humans. Through a closer look at 'The Secret Sky Garden' and using their enquiry skills, the children will explore, investigate and discover how the world around them has changed and if that change was always for the better.

The Driving Question: 

How has the world around me changed?

>Visit our Firefly page to learn more<

Junk Modelling Resources Required

Our Junk modelling boxes need restocking. If you have any recycling at home please send it to school with your children so we can continue to re-use it in new and imaginative ways!

Primary 3 Way Conferences

We are really looking forward to celebrating your child’s learning journey on Friday 17th November. Please read this information carefully so you know what to expect on the day.

Years 1, 2 and 3

Conferences are scheduled for up to 3 families at the same time - 40 minutes.

We encourage you to play and learn alongside your child in their classroom. Your child’s class teacher will be present to support and guide your visit. However, the teacher won’t be with your child for the full duration.

During this time, you will experience how and what your child enjoys learning and what they are proud of so far this year. If your child is tired and needs a change of scene then you may leave the classroom earlier and explore the specialist areas of the school.

General Information

Mercy Centre


Birthday celebrations

The following students are/were celebrating this week...

Micah 2P

Ploy 2C

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts, or cupcakes. 

Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School and also check with the class teacher for any other dietary requirements of the class.

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Clare Blencowe clbl@patana.ac.th

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