Year One Newsletter 4.2.22

Living our Values

We are diverse and inclusive.

DateEventWhere Who
Monday 7th - Friday 11th FebruaryWaste Less Week 
All staff and students 
Wednesday 16th February Makha Bucha DaySchool closed All staff and students 
Friday 18th February Last day of Term 2A

Monday 28th February Term 2B begins and Block 3 ECAs start

Thursday 10th March Catch up day for school photos

Friday 11th March Smile Day 

Wednesday 16th March Year 1 and Year 2 Sports Day 


Students who come to school on the bus are welcome to have a small toy in their bag to keep them company on the bus.  Once they arrive at school, that toy needs to remain in their bag.  

No toys should come out of bags at any point on campus unless requested to support a specific theme of learning.  This is part of our Covid-19 restrictions and your support with this is much appreciated.  


The Year 1 students will be learning about money in the coming weeks.  If you have any opportunities to help them experience using money in play or even out in the 'real world', please do.  You may like to set up a shop at home and play together.  

Global Citizenship

Next week is Waste Less Week #WLW7

  1. Monday - Less meat Monday
  2. Tuesday - Terminal Tuesday - remember to recycle all items including batteries (hence terminal)
  3. Wednesday - Well-Being Wednesday - reduce single-use plastic use a recycle water bottle
  4. Thursday - Turn it off Thursday - please turn off lights / projectors etc if not needed
  5. Friday - Finish it Friday - aim for an empty plate!

General Information

Lots of information about our day-to-day organisation can be found in the Welcome to Year 1 booklet.  Most of this information is still relevant,  even with necessary COVID measures in place.

From the PTG

Thank you to the 140 name suggestions that were sent for the committee to consider! Congratulations to Anna Meller (Y13) who won a 300 THB to the Tiger Shop for the winning name of Tuk Tuk. As seen in the photos above, TukTuk even has a Patana card given by Mr Mills!


Birthday Treats

Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class. Unfortunately, parents cannot come in to celebrate with their child. The class teachers will do their best to send you a photograph.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

• Brownies and cupcakes are easier for your child to give out.

As school policy, the staff will not be able to help give out party bags or other gifts either for birthdays or on other special celebration days.

This week we two people celebrating their birthdays.  

Have a super day Eton (1K) and Kate (1R) who are both celebrating on February 5th.  

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 1 Rep

Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Kerry Meaden-Kendrick
Ross Millcliffe

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