Y1 Newsletter 16.6.23

This is the final newsletter for the year.  

Thank you for keeping up-to-date with the Y1 news and events here.  Have a wonderful break and, for those of you who are leaving, all the very best in your next ventures.  

Upcoming Events

Class lists sent home 19/6/23Primary School
End of year reports published online 20/6/23Primary School
Humanities tote bags sent home - donations welcome All week 
Grapondaeng School visiting Y1 22/6/23Year 1 
Campus Assembly 23/6/237:50 Sports Hall 
Small class party - see below for more details 23/6/23Year 1 

A note from the Principal

16 June 2023

A note from the Principal

Today sees the end to such a positive and productive week in Primary! Starting with the Dance Extravaganza, our students were then involved in the Bangkok Games; the Patana Primary; various interclass sporting events; end of unit learning exhibitions and, finally, the Year 2 sleepover!

What a happy and joyous penultimate week of our academic year. This will be our last newsletter home to you, so it leaves me only to say a congratulations to our students, well done to our teachers and thank you to our parents and families for all your support.

I will be sending an end of year letter to you all next week but in the meantime, have a wonderful weekend.

Sarah McCormack


It is very normal for children to feel unsettled as they approach endings and new beginnings.  We are having conversations about transitions in our PSHE and reducing anxiety as much as possible by making any unknowns known.  If you are finding that your child is particularly anxious, encourage them to ask questions and help them seek the answers.  Please also speak to their class teacher if there are any particular worries that they have.  

Small class celebrations on Friday 23rd June 

On Friday 23rd, each class will have a small party to celebrate the end of Year 1.  Your child can bring in a card or board game from home to play with their classmates if they would like to.  

They can also bring a special afternoon snack (no nuts and no sharing please) if they would like to do so.  In the afternoon we will celebrate and play some whole class games as well as say our good-byes to any students leaving and their Y1 teachers.  

Please note we will still wear school uniform as normal on this day.  


Reading Books 

Please return any reading books that you have at home.  We will not be sending home reading books next week.  You are welcome to use your library card to borrow a very good supply of books from the Library for holidays if you would like to.  

Global Citizenship 

Next week your child will bring home a reusable shopping bag that they have designed to raise awareness of the challenges for elephants in Thailand.  Please feel free to send in a donation (amount of your choice).  Funds raised will be going to support Grapondaeng School, our Year 1 charity.  

General Information

Class lists for August 2023

On Monday, you will receive your child’s class list for August 2023, along with a welcome letter from their new class teacher.

If you child is currently in Year 1, Year 3, or Year 5, there are no changes to their existing class.

If your child is currently in Nursery, FS1, FS2, Y2 or Y4, they will be placed in a newly mixed class.

Please support your child in dealing with any disappointment if that is the case for them.

Sometimes being in a class with a particular friend is not beneficial for their learning.

When reading the class welcome letter, please click on the link to hear a message from your child’s new teacher.

We will be delighted to welcome all of our returning students back in the new school year.

School Shoes for August 

Primary students are expected to wear plain black shoes to school.

Most of our students will have bigger feet by August, so please add these items to your shopping list for the holidays.

Snacks - Nut Free School

We provided tasty and nutritious snacks each day for the students in class. As some of our children have allergies, please ensure any food sent to school does not contain any sort of nut.

Birthday celebrations

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School.

The following people are celebrating their birthdays next week: 










Have a wonderful day!

Over the holidays, the following people are celebrating: 

1F Teetach [Troy] 26-July
1S Miya 30-June
1F Ruoya 30-June
1G Minho 02-July
1P Ren 07-July
1K Avir 09-July
1S Evelyn [Evi] 13-July
1P Petra [Petra] 15-July
1F Shaahin 18-July
1G Yu-Chieh [Ocean] 19-July
1W Penelope 21-July
1K Rachanont [Ren] 22-July
1P Bulan 22-July
1W Tyger 07-August
1P Holly 09-August

Please click the picture below to visit your child's class blog.  

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 1 Rep: Ritu


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Kerry Meaden-Kendrick keme@patana.ac.th
Patrick O'Connor paoc@patana.ac.th

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