Y1 Newsletter 2.6.23

Upcoming Events

School Closed - Visakha Bucha Day (Buddhism)5/6/23
Busking Day - charity fundraiser 8/6/23Primary School - non-uniform day 
Key Stage 1 Assembly led by Miss Battram 9/6/23Primary Hall 
Campus Assembly 23/6/237:50 Sports Hall 

A note from the Principal

2 June 2023

A note from the Principal

Working in a school is truly a rewarding and unpredictable experience and this week has been filled with delightful moments and unexpected encounters!

Firstly, I had the pleasure of meeting our visiting author Mr. Matt Dickinson who climbed Everest. Then, I was called in by Year 2 students to assist in rescuing a toad from a pond, who sat with me for some time whilst he got warm. I counted to 100 with a student in Nursery, proving that learning knows no bounds. During lunchtime, I had the joy of hearing about the fascinating tales of two Year 5 students and their multiple pets. Lastly, I had the privilege of guiding Year 6 students in writing their own captivating stories based on a short film. Each of these encounters has reminded me of the immense joy and fulfilment that comes from working in a school environment, where every day brings new and wonderful surprises.

On Tuesday, another positive highlight was meeting our parents for an end of year celebration and reflection on all that we have achieved this year. Thank you for attending! If you have not yet had the opportunity, please do complete our short end of year parent survey. The deadline is on Monday, 5 June.

We hope you have a fantastic long weekend!

Sarah McCormack


Amazing Thailand 

Our theme of learning this term is all about Thailand.  You can find out more on our Curriculum pages.  

From the PTG

General Information

Busking Day- Thursday 8th June 

On Thursday, Year 1 will be going to view the KS2 performers for Busking Day. Children are invited to wear safe and sensible non-uniform to celebrate the day.

As previously requested, please send in 5b and 10b coins for the children to give to the performers. We would love these coins by Tuesday if possible, to support our Maths learning.

In our Busking Day assembly, the students were challenged to earn their own coins by helping at home. We’d love to see any photos of Year 1 completing their tasks.

If you plan to attend this event and would like to accompany your Year 1 child as they view the acts, please contact your class teacher directly. 

All Year 1 children will need to be delivered to the Primary Canteen for lunch at 11.30. Please note that the busking will continue until 11.50.

On Thursday, Year 1 will be going to view the KS2 performers for Busking Day. Children are invited to wear safe and sensible non-uniform to celebrate the day.

As previously requested, please send in 5b and 10b coins for the children to give to the performers. We would love these coins by Tuesday if possible, to support our Maths learning.

In our Busking Day assembly, the students were challenged to earn their own coins by helping at home. We’d love to see any photos of Year 1 completing their tasks.

If you plan to attend this event and would like to accompany your Year 1 child as they view the acts, please contact your class teacher directly. All Year 1 children will need to be delivered to the Primary Canteen for lunch at 11.30. Please note that the busking will continue until 11.50.

Snacks - Nut Free School

We provided tasty and nutritious snacks each day for the students in class. As some of our children have allergies, please ensure any food sent to school does not contain any sort of nut.

Birthday celebrations

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School.

The following people are celebrating their birthdays: 

1F Yada [Ai] 02-June
1S Taisei 03-June
1G Mikaela 06-June

Have a wonderful day!

Please click the picture below to visit your child's class blog.  

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 1 Rep: Ritu


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Kerry Meaden-Kendrick keme@patana.ac.th
Patrick O'Connor paoc@patana.ac.th

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