Year 1 Newsletter: Week 1 - 18.8.23

We are balanced and fulfilled.

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

DateEventWho is involved?Notes

24th August

Y1 - 13 Gymnastics Academy Coffee Morning


26th August
Y1 - 5 Tennis Red Ball Mini Fun DayParents
Sports Complex
29th August
Primary Parents Workshop : Primary School D.P. Goals for the year
Primary Hall

29th August

Introduction to the learning meeting

Parents and Y1 staff14.40-16.00pm

In year group/ classrooms

4th SeptemberBlock A ECAs commenceStudents
5th SeptemberPrimary Thai Parent Meeting

Primary Hall
15th SeptemberSchool closedStaff, students and parents


It's been an incredible start to the new school year. The Year 1 children have approached every day with enthusiasm and have settled wonderfully into their new year group and classes.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new students and their families. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you become part of our caring community.

A few reminders:

  • Hats - your child needs a hat to access all the play areas and for PE lessons. It is best to be left in school all week.
  • Water bottles
  • Naming property - Please put your child's name and class code on all their uniform, shoes, hats and water bottles to ensure a safe return if they get left behind!

Nut-free Primary School

For some children, any exposure to nuts is potentially very dangerous and can be life threatening. We do not allow any nuts to be brought into the Primary School. This includes snacks on school transport, birthday treats and food items brought in for any other special days. Some treats, such as macarons contain hidden nuts. Please check the ingredients before sending into school. If snacks or birthday treats are found to contain nuts, we will contact you and either dispose of the food safely or ask you to collect and take back home.

Before and After  School

Before school starts at 7.30am, the Y1 children are allowed to play on the Y1-2 playground side of the building.  When the adult on duty blows the whistle, children can then make their way upstairs to their classroom. 

Playground use before and after school

Students are not permitted to use any of the climbing or play equipment before 7:30 a.m. or after 2:30p.m.

There is no staff supervision in any play area after 2:30p.m.

The accompanying adult is therefore responsible for the safe supervision of the child.

We encourage parents and family employees to take children straight home at the end of the school day.

Snacks in Key Stage 1

Year 1 students are provided with a healthy snack and milk in the mornings. They can bring a healthy snack from home to have in the afternoon. 

Snacks should be an individual portion as we encourage students not to share with friends due to current restrictions. No food brought into school should contain any nuts.

Students should also bring their own water bottle to school everyday.

Learning In Year 1

Term 1A

This week and next, we will be taking part in lots of activities in order to get to know each other and our new environment. The children have settled well into  their new classes and we are encouraging them to explore and develop new friendships. This will continue throughout the term and year through our PSHE curriculum.

Y1 Introduction to the Learning Meeting: Tuesday 29th August at 2:45pm in Year 1 classrooms. This meeting will provide a brief overview of what to expect in Year 1. There will be a brief presentation and you will have chance to meet your child's class teacher. If you want to discuss your child’s needs in any detail, please make a separate appointment with the teacher.

Y1 Curriculum Term 1A – “Who Am I?” The Year One students will be on a journey of discovery about themselves, their families, relationships and becoming members of a wider community. Our driving question will be: what makes us unique? Other questions we will explore in this learning theme are: what makes us happy/sad? Why are senses important? What do our bodies need to keep healthy? What happens when people grow older? Where do we live? Where do we come from? Which groups do we belong to?

Identity Boxes: The students will be making an identity box in class next week. Please could you send a shoe box or other small cardboard box to school for your child to use. We will be designing our boxes and sending them home by next Friday. If you have any spare shoe boxes, we would greatly accept any extras sent in. 

Junk Modelling: Please send in any empty, clean boxes and containers for junk-modelling. We are also looking for spray bottles, kitchen rolls and containers with pumps. The children learn so much through junk modelling and have lots of fun as well! Please do not send in glass or metal items.

For more information please visit our Year 1 Curriculum Page.


On PE days, the children can wear their PE kits to school. They will stay in their PE kits all day. Please can the children have spare PE kit/ school uniform in their bags just in case they need to get changed for some reason. 


PE lessons require Patana PE kit, hat, water bottle and PE shoes.

Swimming lessons require black or Patana swim kit, swim hat, goggles and towel. Long sleeved rash vest / suit optional.

General information

The following students have already celebrated their birthdays in August:

Kavisara [Vara] - 1V

Grace [Gracie] - 1C

Puttimedha [Putti] - 1N

Anathip [Theo] - 1P

Taryn [Muntou] - 1K

Alex - 1P

Phurichaya [Thia] - 1N

Pariryn [Peppermint] - 1K

Lila - 1C

Emily - 1C

Kittinut [Aimboon] - 1V

There are no students celebrating their birthdays next week.

We hope you had a very happy birthday!


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 1 Rep -  Ashmeet Narula -

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla -

Year Group Leaders
Mr Patrick O'Connor

Ms Carly Peart

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