Year One Newsletter 25.3.22

Living our Values

We are motivated and engaged!

We were very lucky to receive a visit from the Goblin King this week!  Watch Patana Life next week to find out more... 

DateEventWhere Who
28.3.22Parent/teacher progress meetings beginMicrosoft Teams Parents and teachers
28.3.22Spellathon - words tested in school

29.3.22Spellathon- students can start to bring in the money they raised

31.3.22Tiger Spirit Day (in school this time)- dress up showing your Tiger Spirit!SchoolStaff and students dress up
1.4.22Final day of Term 2b

1.4.22Songkran dress up welcome 


Keeping your child home 

If your child is feeling unwell, has a fever, or has any flu like symptoms, please do not send them into school.

If a child is sent to the school nurse with a fever, runny nose, cough, or sore throat, you will be asked to collect them from school.

Your support with this is vital and very much appreciated.

Picking your child up at the end of the day 

Our current Covid protocols mean that we still cannot have any adults in buildings other than school staff.  

Parents and helpers are requested to wait outside of buildings when picking students up at the end of the school day or after ECAs.  

Learning  and Global Citizenship 

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Sponsored Spellathon in Year 1

On Monday March 28th, Year 1 will have a Sponsored Spellathon. This will help raise money for the children at Grapongdeang School in Khlong Toey.

The students have been practicing their word lists in class and hopefully at home as well.  The 'test' will be done in a very low key, supportive environment in small groups throughout the day on Monday.  We will be celebrating the students' efforts!

The spellathon sheet will come home on Monday so you can see how your child went.  If they collected sponsorship per word, they will be able to calculate how much they raised.  If they collected a flat rate of sponsorship, they can start to collect that money too.  They can bring their money in to school any day next week and give it to their class teacher.  

General Information

Black school shoes

Please be reminded that students are expected to wear plain black shoes with their school uniform.  They wear their trainers on their PE kit days but with their school uniform, the guidance for shoes is as follows: 

New Dance ECAs

There are 4 New Dance ECAs starting in Block 4 for Primary School students . Click the link to read more about primary dance ECAs .  Sign up goes live on Monday 21st March.

Songkran Dance Camp 2022

The Dance Academy is delighted to share the news that we will be hosting a holiday dance camp for the first time. The camp is scheduled to take place on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th of April and will be super fun! To sign up, fill out this form by Sunday 20th March 2022. We have limited spots available!!

Lots of information about our day-to-day organisation can be found in the Welcome to Year 1 booklet.  Most of this information is still relevant,  even with necessary COVID measures in place.

From the PTG

We are having another Tiger Spirit Day - this time in person.  :)

Birthday Treats

Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class. Unfortunately, parents cannot come in to celebrate with their child. The class teachers will do their best to send you a photograph.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

• Brownies and cupcakes are easier for your child to give out.

As school policy, the staff will not be able to help give out party bags or other gifts either for birthdays or on other special celebration days.

We have no birthdays in Year 1 next week.  

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 1 Rep

Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Kerry Meaden-Kendrick
Ross Millcliffe

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