Year One Newsletter 1.4.22

Living our Values

We are active stewards of our communities 

As well as looking at our own class communities this week, we have raised funds to support a local community- Grapondaeng School in Klong Toey.  Read on to see how much our super spellathon raised!

DateEventWhere Who
18.4.22First day of Term 3

18.4.22Parent/teacher meetings continue  TeamsParents and staff
25.4.22Block 4 ECAs begin


Keeping your child home 

If your child is feeling unwell, has a fever, or has any flu like symptoms, please do not send them into school.

If a child is sent to the school nurse with a fever, runny nose, cough, or sore throat, you will be asked to collect them from school.

Your support with this is vital and very much appreciated.

Picking your child up at the end of the day 

Our current Covid protocols mean that we still cannot have any adults in buildings other than school staff.  

Parents and helpers are requested to wait outside of buildings when picking students up at the end of the school day or after ECAs.  


Next term we are starting our theme of Amazing Thailand.  Click the link to find out more.  

Global Citizenship

Funds raised by the Year 1 spellathon currently stand at...

Grapondaeng School will be able to open in May thanks to this money raised.  They will be repairing their roof over the next four weeks and are so grateful to the Year 1 students for ensuring that their students can return to school in May.  Thanks to all who have supported with their time and money.  If your child is still collecting their money, they can still bring it in after the holidays.  

General Information

ECA's - Block 4 begins in our second week of term 3

Block 4 is scheduled to begin on Monday 25th April.  

The only ECAs that will be running in the first week back after Songkran (18th April to 22nd April) are listed below;

  •  Home Language - HOLA Chinese Second Language/SMP Key Stage 1 and 2.
  •  Home Language - Dutch Group Key Stage 2 (Mon and Thu)
  •  Home Language - Mandarin (Key Stage 2 Tue and Thu)
  •  Home Language - Japanese (Key Stage 2 Mon and Wed)
  •  Tigersharks Swim Academy Year 3 and above.
  •  Gymnastics Academy Team training.
  •  Tennis Academy - Junior Tigers Wednesday and Friday, Junior Cubs Friday
  •  Football Academy – Key Stage 1 (Tue, Thu) Key Stage 2 (Tue, Fri)
  •  Tigers Dance Academy. Junior Dance Company (Under 11 team, Dance sport team, K pop primary team (Wed one) not the recreational one on Thu, Under 9 Dev Friday, Cheerleading, Under 14 Dev)
  •  U11 Badminton - Thursday.

Lots of information about our day-to-day organisation can be found in the Welcome to Year 1 booklet.  Most of this information is still relevant,  even with necessary COVID measures in place.

Birthday Treats

Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class. Unfortunately, parents cannot come in to celebrate with their child. The class teachers will do their best to send you a photograph.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

• Brownies and cupcakes are easier for your child to give out.

As school policy, the staff will not be able to help give out party bags or other gifts either for birthdays or on other special celebration days.

We have many birthdays to celebrate over the holidays and in our first week back.  :)

Happy birthday- we hope you all have a wonderful day.  

1J Agastya 04-April
1P Valeriethai [Valerie] 06-April
1P Sebin [Emma] 12-April
1N Charles [Charlie] 13-April
1R Warren 13-April
1J Claudia 18-April
1R Youjinyue [Moon] 19-April

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 1 Rep

Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Kerry Meaden-Kendrick
Ross Millcliffe

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