13. Inkscape: Applying Artwork

Turning Your Images Into Real-World Projects

You have a choice use the Foldify App or an Open net template in Inkscape: Open Net instructions here.

1. Use the Foldify app if the iPads are available.

2. Add a template and see how many images you need.  You need to think about adding a selfie to add a personal touch to to the net.

3. Try out different nets. Some are more tricky than others. ONLY THE BEST AND NIMBLE SHOULD CHOOSE THE ARCADE MACHINE!

Here I chose a little character to add my artwork too.

Before you get your image into Foldify, you need to send your image to the iPad.

How to add an image to the iPad?

1. Email yourself your image from Inkscape. The iInkscae image needs to be exported as a .PNG or .JPG to be able to apply it to other apps and things.

2. Open safari.

3. Go to outlook.office.com and sign into your email, DO NOT SAVE YOUR PASSWORD TO THE iPAD. 

4. Download the image to the camera roll.

5. Import to Foldify with the icon with the glasses, nose and moustache.

6. Now look at the images above and see what you can make,

7. Use the Apple Pencil to tidy up the edges once you have snapped the image to the template.

8. You need take a screenshot of the finished article to send it away. 

9. When you are happy, upload it and display in your classroom wall. Go to classroom.google.com post to your wall and add to the assignment.

10. Find some time in next week's lesson to cut it all out, stick it together and display on your tables.

 Learning Intention

Can I Apply Artwork?

Success Criteria

I can export an image

I can email myself.

I can email myself an attachment.

I can edit an image for a 3D project.

I can print my image onto card.

I can cut out my image and stick it together.

I can upload an image to Google Classroom.