3 Way Conference

Test Google Interland!

Double click to comment!

Please answer the poll below:

Which year group do you think Interland is best for?

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Total 102

You have already voted.

Click on Personal blog - Click on All about me on the left hand side!

Can you add to your All About Me page?

YouTube, Gifs, Text, Images, links...

Want a flying rainbow unicorn?

Fancy an awesome Messi free kick?



Option 1:

Click on your Personal Blog button!

Can you write a positive digital footprint blog post?

It could be about: a hobby you have, a group of friends, a birthday party, a sleepover, a holiday, a movie night, a sports event...

You can write about anything and add pictures as long as it is happy and positive!

Don't forget to thank someone!!

Option 2:

Click below to write a story and add amazing pictures!

Use the Google sign in button to login as a student.

Class code: QKU4F

Option 3:

Click below to try ZoomQuilt:

Option 4:

Click below to make a cartoon movie!

Option 5:

Click below to play some educational games!

Option 6: