2 - Digital Citizenship Pledge

Lesson outline

Common Sense Media Lesson


Curriculum Opportunities

Lesson 2

Digital Citizenship Pledge

Pupils work together to outline common expectations in order to build a strong digital citizenship community. Each member of the class signs a We the Digital Citizens Pledge.

Cybersmart Positive Online Communications

Teachers resources

UK Safer Internet Centre Connect with Respect - Safer

Internet Day 2013 resource pack

BBCBeaker You Choose – videos about positive choices

ICT: Impact of technology - exploring how ICT changes the way we live our lives and has significant social, ethical and cultural implications.

Communication and collaboration -exploring the ways that ICT can be used to communicate, collaborate and share ideas on a global scale, allowing people to work together in new ways and changing the way in which knowledge is created.

Idea: Establish or further develop a class online community perhaps using the school learning platform, or an online resource like thinkquest.org

Utilise the community to support cross curricular or wider school community activities such as a fund raising activity, or a sports or performance event.

Review the effectiveness of the community, the need for establishing ground rules and positive practices.

Learning Intentions:

Can I understand what a good digital citizen does?

Can I create digital citizenship pledge ideas with my class?

Can I get a high score on the Digital Citizenship Quiz?

Question of the day:

What is a good digital citizen?

Can I understand what a good digital citizen does?

Success Criteria

I can discuss what it means to be a good citizen

I can think about whether these factors apply to being a good digital citizen

I can define what a good digital citizen is 

Think - Pair - Share

Break it down!

What is a good citizen?

Do digital citizens need the same qualities as citizens?

Using what you have just discussed and learnt come up with a definition for: 

"A good digital citizen"

You can do this with a partner and write it on a mini whiteboard.

Can I create a digital citizenship pledge with my class?

Success Criteria:

I can think of some ideas for our class digital pledge

I can vote on which of the ideas I think should be on our pledge

5I - Digital Pledge ideas

5T Digital Pledge Ideas

5O Digital Pledge Ideas

5C Digital Pledge Ideas

5S Digital Pledge Ideas

5R Digital Pledge Ideas

5H Digital Pledge Ideas

5W Digital Pledge Ideas

If you are upset or worried tell your teacher or parent - WE WILL HELP :)

Can I get a high score on the Digital Citizenship Quiz?

Click on the picture below and enter the 5 digit code on the board!

Teachers click here

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