Year 4 Tayasui Sketches Pro: Layers Extension

Today, we are going to learn about working deeper with layers.

If you look at this wallpaper below from the game Firewatch, we can see many layers to create the illusion of depth.

There are around 10 layers in this image that we can create too. I have broken them into around 5 or 6 parts:

A: Mid Mountain

B: Distant Mountains

C: Near Mountains.

D: Very dark hand drawn trees and copied trees

E: Focal point to draw in the eyes.

Sun, clouds (they are not fluffy and up high in the air!) and... birds.

In the images we are creating in Sketches Pro,, we are using a similar illusion of perspective.

Here we can see:

A: Distant Mountains

B: Foreground Mountains.

C: Middle Distance Mountains.

D: End of Trees layer giving depth to the image.

E: Focal points of birds and moon.

The depth of the image is also created with the odd shape of the trees in the foreground with the repeated shape.

Learning to build depth with shapes in extra layers.

Step 1:  Bringing realistic images to new layers needs a search.

Let’s search for a Tree Silhouette PNG and import it to your NEW sketches layer.

Trees - Here

Hikers - Here

Deer - Here

Flocks of Birds - Here

Step 2: shaping and re-sizing the new images in your new layer. COPY AND PASTE.

There is no sound here in this clip. Instead, you must look closely to see what brushes or knives I’ve used in this example.

How do I copy and paste? What is the process? Is it knife then ... and then paste?

Look closely!

Learning Intention

I can manage layers in Sketches.

I can edit layers in Sketches

Success Criteria

Can I import a transparent image from a search?

Can I edit the image from a search?

Can I use the knife to cut and paste my image?

Can I paste into a layer to make a realistic image?