Year 4 Learning about Layers: Creating Text

We are going to create block text with Sketches pro like the examples below.

The text will be added later to your other artwork in your journals.

The video below is split into 3 parts.

0-2 mins: Introduction to what we are going to make and how we can make it. Click on the video below to start if you want to see the introduction again.

2-6 mins: Creating the block letters Click this text to take you to the creating of the letters from the beginning.

6+ mins: Colour and erasing the edges. Click this text to take you to the colouring and cleaning up of the text.

Watch the images below take you from my rough ideas to a more cleaned up final version.

Final version before Colour is added.

A colouring idea. I didn’t’ use the shading at the bottom in the end.

Once I hade taken it out of my journal and removed the white background I imported it to the original image.

Learning Intention

Can I create with text?

Can I be creative with digital brushes?

Success Criteria 

I can add layers

I can add guide lines

I can add a colour layer

I can use a digital brush or marker to create block text