Guided Reading - Can I summarise information?

What is in a colour?

Every colour elicits a different response from humans. Colours can be divided into two main categories: warm and cool. Warm colours tend to be associated with energy, while cool colours are linked with calmness and security.

Why did these brands choose these colours?

Computer Science of colour

HEX Color Values are represented by hexadecimal (6 character) codes.  The range goes from 00 to FF for each of them. 

ie - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

The code is expressed as follows: #RRGGBB, each of the 2-digit values ​​being the range of each of the 3 colours. (Red Green Blue)

We can see some examples:  #RRGGBB

Black: represents the absence of colour, therefore its value will be: #000000 (lowest values)

White: is the mixture of all colours: #FFFFFF  (highest values)

Redall the tone is red, the other 2 being null: #FF0000

Greenonly the green appears, without value the other 2: #00FF00

Blue: identical reasoning, but only with blue: #0000FF

Test them in this tool

Then experiment with this tool, and see what you discover?

Try exploring ...

Colour Theory

Colour Gradient

Complimentary Colours

See if you can teach your partner three things they didn't know.

Learning Intentions

Can I summarise information?

Success Criteria

I can explain how colours are represented with codes

I can summarise information from text and video