International Day

International Day 

It was wonderful to celebrate International Day this week with FSP. The children looked amazing in the clothes from their home countires and everyone loved taking part in and watching the parade. FSP enjoyed talking about their favourite act in the Cultural Show and listening to music from around the world in our classroom. It was great to see the children try new foods from the food stalls and explain why they liked or disliked it. 


This week we continued our Phonics learning and learnt these sounds. 

The children are starting to recongise the sounds and blend some words with our support. I wonder if the children can watch the video below and join in with the sounds they know? 

This week we learnt our first tricky word 'I'. The children tried hard to think of somwthing about them so they could practice using the word in a sentence. 

Child initiated learning 

FSP have been busy this week exploring the new provision in our classroom and helping to make some new toys outside. We saw some excellent problem solving and the children taking turns so that everyone had a go. FSP are always so creative and it was great to see them find so much fun in playing with a cardboard box, and persevering to fill it to the top with sand! 

Please return your Guided Reading folders on Monday. Thank you.

Have a great weekend FSP!

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