FSP are kind and helpful Tigers!

The Power of Reading 

The Power of Reading is a proven professional development programme that supports schools to evolve a high quality literacy curriculum which develops reading comprehension and writing composition, and fosters a whole school love of reading and writing.

This week in FS we introduced the story ‘Augustus and his Smile’. The children were invited to look at the pictures from the story and predict why Augustus was feeling sad at the start of the story and then happy later in the story. Through this discussion we listened to and extended the children’s vocabulary and predicted what might have happened to make Augustus feel happier.

By reading the story and going on Augustus’ journey to find his smile, the children had the opportunity to think about what they know about Tigers and what they would like to find out. Using Non-Fiction books and the internet the children found out some new facts about Tigers. I wonder if your child can tell you some facts they can remember?

FSP have Tiger Spirit!

We had 4 new additions to FSP this week! Max the Monkey, Ellie the Elephant, Tuk-Tuk the Tiger and Jelly Giraffe. FSP loved finding their hiding places around the room and taking them on adventures! 

Caring for our new friends has made FSP interested in looking after animals and we now have a vet surgery in our roleplay area. The children have enjoyed making appointments, helping the animals feel better and moving them around in the animal ambulance! The children were so involved in creating the area and deciding what we needed to care for animals. This has also lead to bringing in some snails from outside in our garden to observe inside. The children have enjoyed gathering leaves, grass and flowers to make a suitable habitat for the snails!

FSP have been working extra hard to be kind and helpful in our environment this week. They have been tidying up in our classroom and outside, cleaning up at lunchtime and washing up after snack time. We are very proud of you FSP!


FSP had such a happy day celebrating being Patana Tigers. They looked amazing in their bright Tiger clothes and enjoyed the story 'We are going on a Tiger hunt' and meeting Tuk Tuk the tiger for some dancing and fun! We also celebrated Nicky's Birthday with cakes at snack time, wishing you a very Happy Birthday Nicky! 

I wonder what kind things FSP can do at home over the weekend? Wishing you a happy weekend and I will look forward to seeing you again on Monday morning! 

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