A note from the Principal
28 April 2023
A note from the Principal
We've had an eventful week at school, with some key events to mention. Our
Y3-Y6 students put on a fantastic dance and music assembly that was enjoyed by
all. It was wonderful to see our students showcase their talents and their hard
work paid off in a stunning performance. Well done to all!
over the last two weeks we have held parent workshops on RSE, which were
well-attended and informative. It's crucial that we work together to support
our students as they navigate this important area of their lives. Thank you to
all who attended and contributed to these valuable discussions.
On Monday, we will be enjoying our staff CPL day with some excellent topics for
discussion. Guest speaker Tom Sherrington will be here in person to support us
with our journey in the walkthrus and instructional coaching. He is also
offering a parent workshop later in the week and we do hope you can attend.
always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact us. We value your input and are here to support our school community in
any way we can.
See you all on Tuesday!
Sarah McCormack
Key Dates
Event | Date | Location |
School Closed - CPL day for teachers | 1/5/23 | |
School Closed - Coronation Day | 4/5/23 | |
King Charles' Coronation Day - non uniform day Wear red, white and blue. | 5/5/23 | |
Patana Solo Festival | 13/5/23 |
Music in Secondary - added 3rd May
Dear Y6 Parents/Students,
We are very excited to welcome you to Secondary Music! I am writing to explain the option process for KS3 Music. Please see the timeline below.
- Wednesday May 10th, I will visit Y6 students to outline the process
- Y6 teachers will show the options video in their lessons and look through the booklet.
- Please do click on the links above to watch the video and access the information booklet.
- Y6 Students will visit the Secondary Music Department on the following days. They will observe all ensembles during this time.
- Wednesday May 10th - 6J & 6B
- Thursday May 11th - 6T & 6S (morning) 6D & 6P (afternoon)
- Thursday May 18th - 6L & 6F
- Ensemble Choice Form will be issued to parents on Monday 22nd May
- Ensemble Choice Form deadline Thursday 25th May
Please note that we are asking students to think about their choice of ensemble NOT instrument
- Your Child’s Ensemble will be announced in August.
We are looking forward to welcoming Y6 to the Music Department soon!
Miss MacRitchie
Head of Music
Home Language (HOLA) assessments in Year 6:
Year 6 Technology in Term 3
Well being
RSE (relationship and sex education) presentations
For those of you that could not attend the presentation on Thursday, and for parents that may wish to revisit the presentation we have added slides and video clips below. Oue lessons start on Monday 8th May and we will share an overview each week in the Y6 newsletter so you are prepared to answer any questions your child may ask.
You may also find these suggestions for talking with your child helpful.
Presentation Slides
Why do boys need to know about periods?
Nocturnal Emissions
'Male puberty' and 'How a baby is made'
These videos have been linked together - students will watch the male puberty part of the animation before learning about how a baby is made:
Growth in the womb
General Information
From the PTG
Happy Birthday to all the students celebrating their birthdays next week:
6T |
Emerson |
6T |
Mehaan |
6F |
Daniel |
6T |
Jerica |
6S |
Sarisa [Risa] |
Birthday Treats
We are a NUT FREE school. Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.
Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.
- Brownies, cupcakes and individual cake slices are easier for your child to give out.
- Please reduce plastic packaging as much as possible - please no bubble teas, fizzy drinks or caffeine drinks.
- We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.
Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.
Important Contacts
Department | Contact Number | |
Primary Office | 02 785 2258 | primary@patana.ac.th |
Transport | 02 785 2470 | transport@patana.ac.th |
Primary Nurse | 02 785 2478 02 785 5460 | nurse@patana.ac.th |
ECAs | 02 785 2231 | eca@patana.ac.th |
PTG | Year 6 PTG Rep is ptgy6@patana.ac.th Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat ptgprimary@patana.ac.th | |
Year Group Leaders | Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Sarah Dibley sadi@patana.ac.th Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Mr Todd Thornback toth@patana.ac.th Assistant Leader of Learning: Mr Alex Lowe allw@patana.ac.th |