Year 6 Newsletter 18.08.23

Living our Values

We are balanced and fulfilled

Note from the Principal

18 August 2023

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

It has been a fantastic first few days in Primary, it is just as though we have never been away!

As student’s settle into their new classes, alongside new teachers and peers, we begin a project entitled ‘what makes a healthy learning habitat’? Drawing our inspiration from the natural world, we will reflect on how our physical environment influences our learning; how we can all work collaboratively together; our roles and responsibilities in creating a healthy learning environment. For more information, please check out the Patana News next week!

A gentle reminder, please do note that our playground equipment is not supervised after 2.30pm. Parents and guardians should take care to ensure safety at all times.

Thanks for a great week everyone!

Sarah McCormack

Key Dates

 Whole School Assembly21.8.23Sports HallWhole Patana Community 
Primary Parents Workshop : Primary School D.P. Goals for the year
29.8.23Primary HallWhole Patana Community
Introduction to the Learning Y1-6 
29.8.23ClassroomsParents and class teachers
ECA Block One starts
4.9.23Whole schoolStudents and staff
Primary Thai Parent Meeting
5.9.23Primary Hall
School Closed - Long weekend
15.9.23Whole SchoolWhole Patana Community
Parent Teacher MeetingsWB 2.10.23ClassroomsPrimary parents and teachers



PE blocks 

Basketball requires Patana PE kit and water bottle.

Swimming requires black swimsuit/swim shorts, swim cap (for hair longer than shoulder length) goggles and towel. Black rash vest is optional and sunscreen is recommended.

On non swimming days, students should come to school in their PE kits and trainers. Please ensure they have their school uniform and black shoes to change into

Well Being

It's been an incredible start to the new school year. The children have come in so enthusiastically into their new year group and classes. We have had a very busy first full week as teachers and students have been getting to know each other. We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new families who joined us and we look forward to helping you all settle in very quickly.


Students are welcome to bring in a healthy and filling snack to eat at morning breaktimes. Please note NO sweets (candies), energy drinks or large bags of snacks are permitted. Students are not allowed to share snacks.

A reminder - NO NUTS in the primary school

Before and After School

Before school starts at 7.30 the Y6 children are allowed to come to the hardcourt. During this time they are not allowed to play ball games or running games. 

They are aware of this but might need a few reminders. It would be great if you could help us with this.

From next week, when the adult on duty blows the whistle, they should stand still. On the second whistle, the children can then make their way directly to their classrooms.

Playground use before and after school

Students are not permitted to use any of the climbing or play equipment before 7:30 a.m.

There is no staff supervision in any play area after 2:30pm

The accompanying adult is therefore responsible for the safe supervision of the child.

We encourage parents and family employees to take children straight home at the end of the school day.

School Uniform Reminders


  • Hair should be neat and conservative in appearance.
  • Hair longer than shoulder-length should be tied back.

School Shoes

  • Students should wear black shoes that support the whole foot and allow them to be active. On PE days they should have school shoes in their bag that they can change into after school.


  • Only the blue school cardigan should be worn at school
  • Watches
  • We encourage the children to wear a digital or analogue watch to help them learn the time.
  • Smart watches are not to be worn during the school day. They are kept in bags during the day.

General Information


Happy Birthday to all the students celebrating their birthdays this week:







Birthday Treats

We are a NUT FREE school.  Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

  • Brownies, cupcakes and individual cake slices are easier for your child to give out.
  • Please reduce plastic packaging as much as possible - please no bubble teas, fizzy drinks or caffeine drinks.
  • We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 6 PTG Rep is

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Sarah Dibley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Mr Todd Thornback

Assistant Leader of Learning: Mr Alex Lowe

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