Year 5 Newsletter 21-08-2020

We are:  Collaborative Communicators

Well Being

The first few days....

It has been an incredible return to school. The Year 5 team would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone in our school community for the support you have provided throughout these challenging times. 

There are many important message in our first newsletter. It will not be this full every week. 

Dance ECA tryouts

Tiger's Dance Academy invites applications for audition/try-outs to become part of our year long programs. Please carefully fill out the form and send it in before 24th August,2020! We are delighted to introduce a new company - The Development Company! Our try-outs this year will have a no cut policy, this means that if you decide to come and try out this year, you are certainly going to be part of one of our companies. Isn't that exciting? Here is the link to the form -

Please copy the following link and open it in google chrome.

Click on the link to find out more information about the Dance Academy.

Global Citizenship

Events in the World

If you would like your child to be aware of world news and events but find it too overwhelming, have a look at Newsround for a more age appropriate version of current events.


Year 5 Introduction to the Learning Presentation

On Wednesday 26th August, we will publish pre-recorded presentations onto our class blogs at the end of the day. 

Please do watch the presentation as we will share some information and the learning in school and at home.

Here is a the Welcome to Year 5 Booklet which contains information about routines in Year 5. 

Learning Theme: Journeys

During our first unit of learning we will explore the theme of Journeys.

Driving Question: How can past journeys guide our future?

You can find out more information about this learning theme on our Curriculum Blog. Here is the link. 

Home Learning and Class Blogs

In Year 5, your child's learning journey, home learning and important messages pertaining to your child's class will be shared on their class blog. 

Here is the link directly to the Year 5 blogs. 

Information on Home Learning will be shared in the Introduction to the Learning Presentation.

Please encourage your child to check their blog every week for their home learning and for important reminders. 

Developing good reading habits

A big focus in Year 5 is on developing and maintaining good reading habits. Each night, with your support, we would like your child to read for at least 20 minutes. 

This can be completed in many ways:

  • independent reading
  • reading together
  • sharing the news
  • reading a website

Your child will have a Reading Journal to keep a record of their reading habits. Each time they start a book, they should jot down the title, the author and the date that they started it. When they are finished, they should record the date. 

We ask that they bring their Reading Journal with them to school every day. We will check it once a week to encourage them to maintain this habit and we may suggest specific books or genres to them.

Readers' Theatre

We will launch the Year 5 Readers' Theatre shortly. 

If you have any questions regarding reading, please contact your child's class teacher. 

Our focus for PSHE is:

'We are celebrating students who make our school a better place.'

Each week, we will celebrate students who live by our school values showing that they are kind and compassionate, considerate, respectful, motivated and engaged and confident collaborative communicators. 

We will also celebrate this by sharing Praise Postcards with our students to show that we see them and we recognise and value their contribution to our Patana community. 


Please see the curriculum map below to find out which PE lessons you have on Monday and Fridays.

Basketball lessons require Patana PE kit, water bottle and PE shoes.

Swimming lessons require black or Patana swim kit, swim hat, goggles and towel. Long sleeved rash vest / suit optional.

If you have any questions regarding PE, please contact your child's PE teacher. Alternatively, contact Mr Andrew Tatam our Leader of Learning for PE on 


Happy Birthday to these students who are celebrating birthdays this week...

Erika5K21st August
Emily5M22nd August
Akisato5K22nd August
Raman5K23rd August
Clara5C24th August
Sam5G26th August
Elina5G26th August

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we are asking students NOT to bring in any cakes from home to share with members of the class. We will however sing Happy Birthday at some point throughout the day. 

We would also like to wish all students who celebrated their birthday over the holidays a belated Happy Birthday.

General Information

Patana Japanese Group



We are the Japanese group of Bangkok Patana School with our current members made up of 69 families. We actively take part in an International Day and other fun school activities, and occasionally hold get-togethers to get to know each other better! If you are a Japanese or your spouse is, or if you would like to inquire more information about us, please email to Mrs. Maya Hino at

Japanese Language ECA



A Japanese language ECA will be offered to all students who are Japanese natives or those whose parents are Japanese speakers. A Japanese teacher (from outside Patana) will lead the ECA classes and help your child improve their Japanese skills. Please refer to the current ECA sign-up site for more details. Or email us for any further inquires.

School Uniform

Year 5 are all looking very smart. We would just like to share the follow expectations with you so that you can support your child with this.


Hair longer than the shoulders should be clipped or tied back.

The same for any long fringes that hide the face.

No bright hair dyes/braids/obvious buzz cuts.


Watches, small stud earrings and jewellery of religious or medical significance are acceptable.

Any religious or medical item worn around the neck should be kept underneath the school shirt.

Wrist bands and other accessories should be left at home.

Smart watches

Students should not wear these to school.

Shoes and socks and other clothing

White socks and plain black shoes (smart all black trainers are acceptable).


Blue Patana jackets only. This are available in the school shop.


Patana hats or Residential hats only please. They are available in the school shop.

Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Transport02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Ja

Primary Rep is Amelie

Primary Office02 7852
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year Group Leaders
Miss Miranda Cawley

Ms Julie Kelly

Miss Olivia Clutterbuck

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