Year 5 Newsletter 19th May 

19 May 2023

A note from the Principal

It has been another rewarding week in Primary, as we have celebrated all of our students talents with the Swim Galas and the Y3 and Y4 Readers Theatre. I had my first opportunity to MC at the Y2 Swim Gala and it was such fun!

You may have seen that we are getting ready to host Matt Dickinson, award winning author, film maker and mountaineer. On Monday 29th May at 1pm, we are being treated to a school assembly (Y3 to Y12) to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the first recorded climb of Mt. Everest and on Friday, 2 June we will be inviting students to dress up as heroes!

Tomorrow and all weekend, I will be at the 21 Century Learning Conference at Verso school. The schedule looks super and I will be focusing on sessions around creativity, student agency and innovation!

Sarah McCormack

Living our values: we are creative learners

Important dates for your diary

Author Visit Dress up day2nd June Whole SchoolStudents and staff
Busking DayThursday 8th JunePrimaryBPS community
Dance Extravaganza 12th JuneTheatreBPS community
End of year assembly23rd JuneSports HallBPS community


Answering questions about sex and gender

Although sex and gender does not form a major part of our Primary RSE curriculum, students may have questions.

Our view is that genuine questions deserve a response - but the response may need thinking through first.

If a student asks a question in school, we may provide a brief response depending on age and context - or we may suggest that the question is better answered at home.

Definitions of sex and gender can be confusing, so you may find these agreed definitions and responses helpful.

Child friendly explanation of a person’s sex and gender

Busking Day excitement

Author Visit - Dress up Day


RSE - learning in Year 5

This week, Year 5 students learnt about the opposite biological sex. We had many interesting questions. Some of these were beyond the scope of our Year 5 curriculum, so we suggested to students to discuss these at home with you. 

Next week, we will look at personal hygiene. 


Here are some suggestions for how to talk with your child .

Online Maths Competition

IMC are conducting an online version of International Math Challenge to boost the motivation of students. This event is hoped to motivate students to see math in a different light, have their interest stimulated in the subject and think how they can apply math in their future studies and daily life.

Click here to navigate to their website to find out more. 

Anyone can enter. This is an individual competition in which students can receive prizes for their personal achievement. The competition will be conducted in five languages, namely English, Thai, Chinese, Russian and Spanish, where students are expected to solve 40 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes. For the kids' category (grade 1 and 2) 25 questions and 60 minutes. 

How to Join?

  • Register via
  • Pay the registration fee of 25 USD for international participants, 600 THB for participants from Thailand, per participant
  • Deadline for submission of completed forms is October 31th , 2023.

Devices for Year 6

Click this link: Information for Y5 Parents - Bangkok Patana School (

Overview: All students from Year 6 to Year 13 are required to bring their own personal device (iPad or Laptop) to school on a daily basis. The device must meet our minimum specifications and be registered with our IS/IT department. Any questions or queries please contact

Laptop and device registration

Year 5 can now get their laptop or device registered in time for the Y6 next academic year. 

Here is the link to book an appointment to register:

PE  - Year 5 curriculum

Gymnastics: Patana PE kit required. Patana leotards are allowed / optional but not compulsory.

TGFU (Teaching games for understanding): Patana PE kit, sunhat and water bottle required.

Climbing and OAA: Patana PE kit, sunhat and water bottle required.

Class Blogs and home learning

Here is the link to the Year 5 blogs. You will find an overview of your child's learning along with their home learning tasks and any important messages from your child's class teacher. 
Please check your child's class blog weekly to stay informed about their learning. 
Please encourage your child to complete their home learning.

Global Citizenship

Events In The World 

You can keep up to date with current events around the world by watching Newsround, an age appropriate news show.  Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class, and it is an ideal opportunity for you to model discussing your opinions and using experiences to draw connections between events and people.


We are a NUT FREE school. Please when ordering birthday treats double check before bringing treats on the campus. Many toppings offered by some donut shops have flaked almonds in their toppings and peanut butter fillings.

  • Individual treats can be brought into school with your child in the morning.
  • Please agree a time with the teacher in advance.
  • Children will be expected to eat any birthday treats outside of classrooms.
  • Parents can join in the celebrations.

General Information

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Sonia Sachdev

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Miranda Cawley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Ms Claire Myers

Assistant Leader of Learning: Ms Anna Caswell