Year 5 Newsletter 8th November 2024

                                                              A note from the principal

8 November 2024

It has been a busy week in Primary, with our Year 1–6 Sports Days and our Year 5 Readers Theatre, both bringing plenty of energy and excitement to campus. On Friday, Primary students also had the chance to watch the SEASAC tournament, and on Saturday, we are all looking forward to the PTG Big Night Out. These special events truly make our community brighter and stronger—thank you to everyone who helped bring them to life!

Please remember to be mindful of influenza as we move into the season. We kindly ask that you monitor your child’s health and keep them home if they’re unwell.

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and diary dates

12th NovemberSILC BazaarConference rooms
15th NovemberPrimary Loy Krathong

18th November
Block B ECAs begin

18th- 21st NovemberYear 5 Residential (Week 1)

25th- 28th NovemberYear 5 Residential (Week 2)

5th DecemberFather's Day

School closed
13th DecemberWhole School Christmas Assembly

13th DecemberChristmas dress up day

13th DecemberEnd of Term 1B

Aquathon Sessions for Year 5 & 6 Students

During the upcoming residential weeks, whilst in school Year 5 & 6 students will participate in an Aquathon session instead of their usual swimming lessons. An Aquathon event involves swimming a set distance, immediately followed by a run. This exciting session aims to introduce our students to a new aquatic discipline in a fun and engaging way.

Each session will include transition games to help students practice quickly putting on a t-shirt, shorts, and shoes over their swimsuits. For this, students will need to bring an extra t-shirt, shorts, a pair of shoes (different from their regular school shoes), and a bag to store their clothes after the session.

Students can choose to participate individually or in small groups and select their preferred swim and run distances. This experience will also prepare them for our inaugural Year 5 & 6 Aquathon event scheduled for February, with more details to follow after the winter break.

Please refer to the table below for your child’s scheduled Aquathon session. For any further questions, feel free to reach out to Jayne Jauncey, Head of Primary PE, at

Christmas Shoe Boxes

Parent workshops

Follow this link to find streams and presentations from all of our past Parent Workshops. 

FOBISIA Short Story Competition

Travel Kit

As part of our new sustainable kit drive, we will not be purchasing any travel kit specifically for individual residentials or other trips. However, we would like students to be smartly dressed and wear any of the travel kit options available for purchase in the school shop; a long sleeve t-shirt, hoodie or ¼ zip jumper all with 'PATANA TIGERS' printed on these items. This remains optional, however if you were to purchase this item, it can be used for the upcoming residentials, plus any future travel trips your child may attend over the next few years. This includes all sporting trips, day events or competitions and they can be worn during ECA time for any activities. The items are available to ALL students across the school.

Residential News and updates

Residential message from Miss Battram

We hope that you are as excited as our students are for the November Residentials!

Saying goodbye on the morning of departure

If coming by private transport, please say goodbye before your child enters their building for registration. Once inside, there will be no further opportunities for hugs and last-minute reminders to brush their teeth. All classes walk straight from their classroom/meeting room and onto their buses. Please look for the sign-posted areas near to the buses if you are staying to wave groups off.

Medicines and snacks

Medicines can be given to our Nursing Team from two weeks before departure or given to the accompanying nurse in the bus park.

Do not give any medicines, vitamins or supplements to your child to take themselves.

Please ensure that any snacks for the journey are completely nut-free.

Electronics and GPS trackers

Residentials are a gadget free zone. Children are not allowed to bring any electronic items except with prior agreement of the Trip Leader. Please give yourself a well-deserved break, and let our excellent staff look after your children. There is no need to add tracking devices to bags. Daily information will be posted on Residential Blogs, and you will always be contacted if there is a problem.

Residential wobbles and challenges are normal

We want every student to arrive back home with funny and exciting stories to share. There will always be more happy moments than sad ones, but your child may want to share a problem or a difficult experience with you.

· Your child may have felt homesick on their first night.

· They may have fallen out with a friend.

· They may have found room-sharing an unexpected source of stress.

· Their talent show plans may have gone terribly, terribly wrong!

Some children bounce back from setbacks quickly whilst others will need help to put things in perspective. If your child does come back with a story that genuinely worries you, please contact the class teacher so that we can support.

Thank you to those of you who attended Ms Battram and Ms Alice's presentation about the upcoming Year 5 residential, we hope it was informative. 

If you were unable to make it, or if you would like to take another look,  you can find the slides from both presentations below:

Our residential blogs are now live too, so please check them regularly. 

Click on the relevant week to take you straight to the correct blog. 

In addition to Miss Curwood's message regarding travel kit, please can parents ensure that children travel in a Patana PE kit to and from resort for our Year 5 residential.


Safe, curious, kind

Parents may have seen these new posters around the Primary school. We recently shared the attitudes and behaviours that we want to help every student to learn and develop as they move through our school.

These attitudes and behaviours are grouped under our three key values; Safe, Curious and Kind.

We want these positive words, thoughts and actions to support and strengthen your child’s holistic development as they move through Primary and into young adulthood. Please help us champion these three key values by referencing our matrix of positive behaviours and attitudes in conversations with your child. The matrix is also available in Thai.

Physical development and PE kit

A number of our students will enter puberty whilst in Primary school.

Every child will pass through puberty at a different time, and at a different rate.

Some children may feel more comfortable wearing a lightweight sports bra or crop top under their PE kit.

Birthday Treats

Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

- Brownies, cupcakes, small donuts, and cake slices are easier for your child to give out.

· We do not give out drinks (e.g., bubble tea, sodas)

· Please reduce plastic packaging.

· We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.

- Please agree a time with the teacher in advance.

- Parents can join in the celebrations.

We are a NUT FREE school. When ordering birthday treats, please ensure that there are no nuts or nut products (such as Nutella or peanut butter) used.

The Year 5 Curriculum

Please click the image below to find out more about this term's learning in Year 5

The Rainforest


Students should come to school in their PE kit on PE days. If they have swimming for the first lesson, they can wear their swim kit under their uniform. If they have swimming later in the day, we ask that they DO NOT wear their swim kit to school. 

Please ensure that your child brings their uniform with them to get changed into after their PE lessons. 


As part of our student welfare provision, our Y4-6 students will take part in a survey about their attitudes to school and learning.

You will also receive a letter giving more information about the PASS survey (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School) and how it helps us to support student learning and wellbeing.

Despite the acronym PASS, this is not a test! No preparation is required, and we want our students to enjoy the process.

Click on the image to visit the Year 5 blogs. 

This is where you will find an overview of your child's learning along with their home learning tasks and any important messages from your child's class teacher. 

Please check your child's class blog weekly to stay informed about their learning.

Please encourage your child to complete their home learning.


 Events In The World 

You can keep up to date with current events around the world by watching Newsround, an age appropriate news show.  Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class, and it is an ideal opportunity for you to model discussing your opinions and using experiences to draw connections between events and people.


The following Year 5 students will be celebrating their birthdays this week:

Nok Yoong, 5C

Aaron, 5C

Iona, 5N

Alex, 5N

                                           Musa, 5C

We wish you a fabulous birthday!

General Information

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep- Inna Matijasevich

Primary RepresentativeApollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Year Group Leader (Pastoral): Miss Sarah Weaver

Year Group Leader (Curriculum): Ms Claire Myers

Assistant Year Group Leader: Ms Alice Leslie