Year 5 Newsletter 12th January

Living our values: We are motivated and engaged


Important dates for your diary

Primary School Photographs15th - 19th JanuaryPrimary HallStudents
Family Photographs29th Jan - 1st FebConference CentreFamilies
ECA Block B finishes19th JanBPSStudents
 Week 1 Residentials
22nd Jan - 25th Jan
Khao YaiYear 5
ISA TrialsWeek Beginning 22nd JanBPSNew Students
Week 2 Residentials
29th Jan - 1st FebKhao YaiYear 5
ISA TrialsWeek Beginning 29th JanBPSNew Students
ISA Test Week5th - 9th FebClassroomsYear 5 students
Lunar New Year Assembly
Fri 9 Feb
Sports HallStudents
Fun Day
Sat 10 Feb
Back FieldBPS Community
Wasteless week
Mon 12 Feb 
ECA Block C startsMon 12 FebBPSBPS
End of T2A
Fri 16 Feb


School Photographs

Formal School photos start next week with the Primary School from 15th – 24th January.

5B and 5DTuesday
5T, 5A and 5CWednesday
5L, 5M and 5WThursday

If parents wish to take advantage of a family photo session, please use the links below to book a slot. Booking system will close on 16th January at noon:

15-19 Jan, Primary Hall:

23 Jan, Foundation Stage:

25-26 Jan, 29 Jan- 1 Feb: Conference Centre:


Water Bottles

Please ensure that all water bottles that are sent into school are either plastic or metal - no glass bottles are allowed. Children should take their water bottles home to wash them. 

Thank you for your support. 

IMPORTANT:  Preventing the spread of influenza

We currently have a number of children absent with influenza. Influenza is a serious and contagious infection that affects the nose, throat, and respiratory system. The virus is commonly spread through droplets in the air, allowing infection to spread quickly.

Children with cold or flu (influenza) symptoms should be kept at home until they are completely recovered. Even when the main symptoms have gone, your child may still need time to return to full strength.

Please do not send your child back to school too soon, even if they are no longer in the contagious phase. If your child is still coughing or sneezing, please keep them at home and limit their contact with other children.

A child who has a fever should be kept at home until ‘fever free’ for a minimum of 24 hours.

When unsure, always seek medical advice, especially if a child has a chronic condition e.g., asthma.

If Influenza is confirmed, please send a copy of the medical certificate to


FOBISIA Short Story Competition

If you have been working on your story for the FOBISIA competition it is time to edit, refine and submit it.

Please remember:

The story should be 500 words or less and a narrative response to the prompt below.

Please send all entries to Ms Tanya by Friday 26th January.

Only one entry can be chosen for the competition, but we will compile all entries into a Year 5 anthology.

PE lessons

In the first two weeks of this Term, students will be given an opportunity to participate in ‘Try A New Sport Fortnight’. 

Trying a different sport will allow the students to discover activities that they enjoy that they are not normally given the opportunity to participate in within their normal PE curriculum. Some of the activities involve climbing, table tennis and Taekwondo or water polo. 

Students will be required to be in their normal PE kit, and if they would like to try water polo, they should bring their swim kit. 

All students MUST bring their school uniform to change into after the lesson.

After residentials students will being Unit 2B activities.

Class Blogs and home learning

Here is the link to the Year 5 blogs. You will find an overview of your child's learning along with their home learning tasks and any important messages from your child's class teacher. 
Please check your child's class blog weekly to stay informed about their learning. 
Please encourage your child to complete their home learning.

Global Citizenship

Events In The World 

You can keep up to date with current events around the world by watching Newsround, an age appropriate news show.  Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class, and it is an ideal opportunity for you to model discussing your opinions and using experiences to draw connections between events and people.


We are a NUT FREE school. Please when ordering birthday treats double check before bringing treats on the campus. Many toppings offered by some donut shops have flaked almonds in their toppings and peanut butter fillings.

  • Individual treats can be brought into school with your child in the morning.
  • Please agree a time with the teacher in advance.
  • Children will be expected to eat any birthday treats outside of classrooms.
  • Parents can join in the celebrations.

General Information






Welcome to Patana!

We are the Patana Japan Group consisting of approximately 70 families, mainly supporting International Day and other school activities,(ECA Japanese)

If you are Japanese parent and are interested in joining this group, please don’t hesitate to contact US by sending email to

PTG Tiger Shop

Iron Labels (clothes/bags/trainers/swimming suits..):

36 pcs per set 350 bht

Sticker Label (cups/snack boxes/shoes/musical instruments/goggles..):

36 pcs per set 


350 bht

Pick up: 7 working days after placing the order.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Soreda (So) Ratchadaporn Parinyanusorn

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Miranda Cawley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Ms Claire Myers

Assistant Leader of Learning: Ms Alice Leslie