Year 4 newsletter 31.03.23

We are kind, compassionate and respectful!

We wish you a wonderful Songkran break and look forward to welcoming you back for Term 3 on Monday 17th April.

A note from the Principal

The end of Term 2 is finally here at last!
A chance to reflect on the term that's passed
With days brimming with learning for everyone
Who knew that school could be such endless fun!

We embarked on adventures on our residential trips
And celebrated Lunar New Year with joyful quips
We dressed as dashing pirates and brilliant inventors so bright
And showcased our literary talents in the poetry recite

With weekly assemblies and sports day in tow
And primary photos capturing memories to future show
We enjoyed a marvellous Fun Day with friends and peers
A term of uproarious laughter, jubilant games and resounding cheers

So as we bid farewell to a bustling Term 2
We will cherish moments where we developed and grew
And with eager anticipation and hope of what is still yet to come…
A much deserved Songkran holiday: of rest, water, and warm sun!

See you all on Monday, 17 April. Proud of you Patana!

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

5th-13th AprilPassover
6th AprilChakri Day (King Rama 1 Memorial)

7th AprilGood Friday
9th AprilEaster Sunday
13th-15th AprilSongkran Festival 

14th AprilVaisakhi 

17th AprilTerm 3 begins
18th AprilPTG Tech Talk8am
18th-20th AprilParent- teacher meetings
25th AprilRSE (Relationship and Sex Education) presentation for Y4 & Y5 parents8am, Primary Hall
21st AprilEid-al-Fitr
24th April Block D ECAs commence

PTG Tech Meeting

General Information

Strategies for Supporting Self-regulation presentation

On Tuesday 28th March, Ms Kate McClenaghan ( Year 6 Support For Learning and PSHE Lead Teacher) and Mr Laiyoung Cheng (Primary Counsellor) gave a presentation to parents on Strategies for Supporting Self-regulation. Below, you can find a copy of the presentation. If you have any questions you can contact them through email at (Kate) and (Laiyoung) .

Maths Presentation

Thank you to all the parents who came along to the maths workshop this week. We enjoyed discussing what mathematical fluency is, and how developing fluency can support our students with reasoning and problem-solving activities. Below, you can find a copy of the presentation with some notes describing what was discussed for each slide. If you have any questions, please contact Anna or Vicky at or

Smart watches for Term 3 April 23

A simple watch can help children to develop an understanding of time and support their independence.

Our preference is for a basic analogue model.

A growing number of children are now wearing a smart watch to school.

Many of these watches allow for online access, including games and other features that they do not need in school.

Some children spend time interacting with their watch instead of talking and playing with their friends.

There have also been concerns about unsupervised access to online content, including taking and sending images.

Starting from Term 3, Primary students will be required to keep their smart watch in their bag during the school day.

Please note, that the school takes no responsibility for loss or damage and only Year 6 have access to a secure locker.

Smart watches can be taken out of bags once a child exits the school gates at 2:30 or once their ECA has ended at 3:30 or 4:30.

Smart watches can be worn on school transport but should never be used to take or send images whilst on the bus.

Learning In Year 4

Term 3- Young Entrepreneurs 

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.

                                                         PE- Term 3

Here is the timetable for PE in Year 4, Term 3.

TGFU (Games) = Patana PE kit, sports shoes and water bottle

OAA (Outdoor Adventure Activities) = Patana PE kit, sports shoes, sunhat and water bottle

Mini Tennis = Patana PE kit, sports shoes and water bottle

Gymnastics = Patana PE kit and water bottle


The following children will be celebrating their birthdays 
                              during the Songkran break:                                    

                                          Sebastian, 4A
                                            Vivaan, 4W
                                              Ilyas, 4R
                                             Kayla, 4H
                                             Ricky, 4T
                                             Keira, 4F
                                            Alexis, 4R
                                          Barnaby, 4H
                                            Anna, 4D
                                            Maya, 4T 

                          We wish you a very happy birthday!


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep - Ashmeet Narula

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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